
xīn qīnɡ nián
  • youths of new ideas/fashion/etc.
  • an influential magazine in the 1920's and 30's
  1. 鲁迅与《新青年》文学传统的创立

    Lu Xun and the Establishment of New Youth 's Literary Tradition

  2. 《新青年》作家群佛教观的嬗变轨迹

    The Change of Buddhist View in Groups of Writers of New Youth

  3. 《新青年》新闻报道和新闻评论探析&兼论《新青年》在新闻述评体裁史上的地位

    A Study of News Report and News Commentary of the New Youth

  4. 《新青年》与现代中国写实主义文学思潮

    New Youth and modern Chinese Realistic literary trend of thought

  5. 《新青年》与近代国家观念的变革

    New Youth Journal and the transformation of modern state concept

  6. 《新青年》的文化品格及其意义

    The Cultural Character and Significance of The New Youth

  7. 《新青年》是中国最为重要的现代期刊之一,它使得中国文学在五四时期发生巨大变化。

    Is the most important journal of modern Chinese .

  8. 《新青年》:中国编辑出版史上的一座丰碑

    The New Youth : a Milestone in the Chinese Publishing and Editorial History

  9. 评五四新青年的重新估定一切价值

    Assessment of the " Re-assessment of All Values "

  10. 《新青年》与中国早期女性主义翻译

    La Jeunesse and the Early Feminist Translation in China

  11. 五四知识分子主要以《新青年》为宣传阵地,掀起了一场新文化运动。

    The May4 th intellectuals mainly through La Jeunesse made a New Cultural Movement .

  12. 论《新青年》的反孔非儒

    On The Anti-Confucianism of The New Youth

  13. 《新青年》对外国短篇小说的翻译直接促使了其短篇小说的创作;

    The has urged its short story creation directly to the foreign country short story translation ;

  14. 现代传媒视野下的《新青年》与中国现代文学生产

    " New Youth " and Modern Chinese Literature Production under the Visual Field of Modern Media

  15. 《新青年》的意识形态和诗学对其文学翻译选材的操控

    Manipulation of New Youth 's Ideology and Poetics over Its Selection of Literary STs for Translation

  16. 他跟他的两个兄弟在一起的时候他又是一个新青年。

    In the company of his brothers , he was a youth of the new order .

  17. 日本文学特别是日本的诗歌翻译成为《新青年》的重要特色;

    The Japanese literature , specially Japan 's poetry translations was the important characteristic of the ;

  18. 陈独秀新青年与新国家思想关系探析

    Analysis of CHEN Du-xiu 's Thought of " New Youths " and " a New Country "

  19. 在现代传媒和现代文学的发展历程中,《新青年》大放异彩。

    In the course of development of modern media and modern literature ," New Youth " shine .

  20. “五四”时代文学中的新青年形象,体现出一种伤感的现代性。

    The images of " new youth " in the May Fourth literature represent modernity of sentiment .

  21. 第一章考察了《新青年》杂志在西部的传播状况及特点。

    The first chapter studies the media state and specialty of New Youth in the west of China .

  22. 女性人格与现代民族国家想象&《新青年》的女子问题探考

    The Feminine Personality and the Imagination of Modern Nation & " The Female Question " of New Youth

  23. 陈独秀在中国创办《新青年》杂志,发起并领导了五四新文化运动。

    In China Chen established the " New Youth " magazine , initiated and led the New Culture Movement .

  24. 《新青年》的思想话语主要包括启蒙话语和民族国家话语。

    The discourses of thoughts of the New Youth include the discourse of enlightenment and the discourse of nation-state .

  25. 第二章,探讨《新青年》以精英文化发动的启蒙运动。

    The second chapter , discusses " New youth " the Enlightenment which starts by the outstanding person culture .

  26. 五四前期,《新青年》与《东方杂志》之间展开了一场中西文化论战。

    During the May fourth earlier period , New Youth burst out a Chinese-West cultural discussion with Oriental Magazine .

  27. 《新青年》与公共空间&以《新青年》通信栏目为中心的考察

    New Youth and " Public Space " & A Study Centered on the Column " Letters " in New Youth

  28. 作为五四时期新兴的杂志,《新青年》为中国知识分子的思想阐发、观点交锋以及创作交流提供了良好的平台。

    As a rising magazine , it provides the Chinese intellectuals a good place for exchanging thoughts and creative ideas .

  29. 间接传播有三种不同的传播途径,其一、借助于《新青年》的卫星刊物《新潮》、《每周评论》等;

    Indirect media have three approaches : the first one is Renaissance and The Weekly Criticism that circle New Youth .

  30. 正是在这个意义上,我们把《新青年》视为一个新型的内圣外王文本。

    Just in this sense , we take s a typical version of " internal saints and external kings " .