- vorticity

In precipitation forecasting equations , the first chosen factor is the divergence wind , and then the divergence and vorticity of Q vector .
The Vorticity , Heat , Moisture Budget Evolution of MCC over South China
Uncertainties in long-term studies of net ecosystem co_2 exchange with the atmosphere based on eddy covariance technique on quantity
The seasonal variation of CO2 flux in a winter wheat field of the Loess Plateau was studied using an eddy covariance method .
The CO2 flux of the rice field of Sanjiang plain were measured during the growing season in2004 , based on eddy correlation system .
Combining the semi-discrete central-upwind scheme with the Vorticity-Stream method , 2D incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations are solved effectively .
Aiming at the limitation , a predicting scheme was developed especially for singularity recurvature track .
Based upon this equation , the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development ( SVD ) proposed by Wu et al .
Results indicate that the increase of the negative vorticity in key area agrees with the westward extension of western Pacific Subtropical High .
Based upon the complete form of vertical vorticity tendency equation , the effect of spatially nonuniform heating on the formation and variation of subtropical high is discussed in this study .
The objective analysis revealed distinctly the meso α scale circulations associated with the MCC on the vorticity and divergence fields .
The diurnal variation of instantaneous carbon dioxide flux and the relationship between it and components of farmland energy balance during grain filling stage of winter wheat by eddy correlation technique were studied .
The northward vorticity transfer by the large-scale eddies reaches its maximum value over 45 ° N , so that it may play an important role both for the maintenance of the mean zonal westerlies and its jet in the middle latitude .
Moreover , the horizontal vorticity of x-direction gradually develops into the configuration that is positive in southern rain area and minus in the north .
This paper used two approaches such as quartz C-axis fabrics and strain ratios , oblique grain shapes and quartz C-axis fabrics to measure kinematic vorticity numbers of the late ductile shear zone in southern segment of the Tancheng & Lujiang ( Tan-Lu ) fault zone .
Velocity-stream function form of the Navier-stokes equations for the flow between two concentric rotating spheres is deduced , and detection conditions of singular point and solution branches are given .
The results show that the rainstorm occurred in the neighbourhood of the stiff and dense section of the moist isentropes , where the convective degree of stability is so small that it is beneficial to the development of moist baroclinic vorticity .
Under the first approximation , there exist the slower waves as Rossby waves and their motions satisfy the condition similar to that of potential vorticity conservation .
The vorticity equation and adiabatic equation are converted into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which have been integrated on the electronic computer by using the Runge-Kutta method .
The results showed that significant differences were found in the momentum field , Q1 and Q2 , as well as the vorticity budget in the two periods . However not much difference was observed in the heat and moisture fields .
In order to investigate the effect of meso-scale topography on vortex self-organization , five numerical experiments , whose integral time is 72 hours , are performed using a f-plane quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model with a topographic term .
The warm core occurs , the cyclone vorticity increases and the divergence alternates with height in the middle-level at the forming stage of MCC , and the levels of ascending motion are thick .
The results have shown that ( 1 ) LTC would keep its positive vorticity a stronger value in lower level and decay slowly while STC would decrease quickly after landfall .
Firstly , this paper designs a polar coordinate barotropic vorticity equation semi-spectral model and a quasi-geostrophic grid model in order to research the propagation of vortex Rossby waves and tropical cyclone intensity change entirely .
Starting from a two-layer nonlinear quasi-geostrophic baroclinic vorticity equation containing Ekman friction , a new generalized energy is proposed to act as Lyapunov function and thus a new criterion of nonlinear baroclinic subcritical instability containing two inequalities is obtained .
While for meridional ultra-long wave the vorticity equation has a divergence term . This result agrees with that of Matsuno who obtained the mixed Rossby-gravity wave in the dry tropical atmosphere .
Further more , the eastward-moving MCSs that has already moved out of the Plateau mainly depends on four physical values of constant pressure surface height , divergent , vortex and the potential pseudo-equivalent temperature .
The maintain positive vorticity advection in the middle troposphere and the warm advection in the lower troposphere take advantage of the vortex development and maintain ;
Using the non-hydrostatic model WRF ( V2.03 ), we simulated the process of heavy rain and analyzed the structure of typhoon RANANUIM ( 2004 ) 's vorticity field .
The spiral cloud and rain band of typhoon , whose origination and maintain can be explained with the vortex Rossby-wave theory and can produce " local vortex Rossby-wave " through changing gradient distribution pattern of local relative vorticity along outward direction of typhoon .