
huó gāi
  • you deserve it;serve sb. right;not wronged at all
活该 [huó gāi]
  • [serve sb. right] [口]∶表示一点也不委屈,应该如此(含贬义)

  • 既然如此,那就活该了

活该[huó gāi]
  1. 她跟我们一样也在账务室做事,活该如此!

    She works with us in Accounts , for her sins !

  2. 哈!你活该!

    Ha ! It serves you right !

  3. 别说我活该,不然让你尝尝我的拳头。

    Don 't say it serves me right or I 'll thump you .

  4. 她太固执了,活该。

    Serves her right for being so stubborn .

  5. 他们中的一个人说这两名开偷来的车去兜风的人死得活该。

    One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved .

  6. 活该,谁叫你不听我的话。

    It serves you right ; you should have listened to me .

  7. 就在我要步上红毯嫁给她儿子之前,我婆婆对我说:“米歇尔,如果一个男人不会给自己做三明治,那他就活该饿死。”

    Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son , my mother-in-law told me , " Michelle , if a man can 't make himself a sandwich , he should starve . "

  8. 就在狐狸将要吃掉他之前,螃蟹说:“我真是活该,我没有理由要离开海边那个天然的家,像陆地栖息的动物一样,偏要到这里来定居。”知足才能常乐。

    Just as he was going to be eaten up , the crab said , " This is just what I deserve , for I had no business to leave my natural home by the sea and settle here as though I belonged to the land . " Be content with your lot .

  9. 但如果美联储(fed)前主席保罗沃尔克(paulvolcker)说的没错的话,那么活该被声讨的就不仅仅是华尔街。

    But if Paul Volcker , the former Federal Reserve chairman is correct , it is not just Wall Street that deserves placards .

  10. 即使你是用户界面的专家DonaldNorman,我想你也会毫不客气地说“这只苍蝇活该被淹死”。

    If you 're the user interface specialist Donald Norman , I suppose you 'd say the fly affords being peed on .

  11. 采用与SARS病毒相似的副流感病毒作为模拟对象,进行了吸附及灭活该病毒的催化材料研究,并考察了催化材料对哺乳动物细胞的毒性。

    The parainfluenza virus ( PIV ), which is very similar to SARS coronavirus ( SARS CoV ), was used in the adsorption and inactivation experiments , and the cytotoxic effects of the catalytic materials to mammalian cells were also investigated .

  12. 如果这件事发生在今天,我觉得不会有那么多人觉得她活该被扔到汽车底下去,纽约大学专门研究网络文化的新闻学教授克雷·舍基(ClayShirky)说。

    If it happened today , I think the consensus that she deserved to be thrown under the bus would be considerably weaker , said Clay Shirky , a journalism professor at N.Y.U. who studies Internet culture .

  13. 你什么意思,其他人是活该?

    What are you saying , the others did deserve it ?

  14. 如果他的妻子发觉了,那他真是活该!

    It will serve him right if his wife finds out .

  15. 你开始怀疑自己,甚至觉得自己活该。

    You start to doubt yourself and think you deserve it .

  16. 他是活该的,那个老糊涂。

    Well , he deserved it , the stupid old crone .

  17. 再放过他一次,那我们死了也活该。

    We let him live twice , we deserve to die .

  18. 活该,他应该把他的事情处理得好一些。

    Serve him right ; he should arrange his affairs better .

  19. 活该!我希望他们打断你们的脖子!

    Serves you right ! I hope they break your necks !

  20. 那我就活该被遣送回去。

    Then I deserve to get sent right back to it .

  21. 我用他们活该受到的那种轻蔑态度看待那样的评说。

    I treat remarks like that with the contempt that they deserve .

  22. 史丹斯兰他是活该,你也是。

    Stensland got what he deserved and so will you .

  23. 我不喜欢这么说,但你是活该。

    I hate to say it , but it serves you right .

  24. 很高兴撞了你的车!你活该!

    I 'm glad I wrecked your car ! Serves you right !

  25. 我觉得我很可能中暑了,昨天下午非要跑出去,活该!

    But I 'm wondering why you always feel drowsy ?

  26. 那他就活该输的精光。

    He deserves to lose every penny he 's got .

  27. 哈也许你丫就活该让人背叛!

    Lynette : Well , maybe you deserved to be cheated on !

  28. 他们的建议活该受到轻视。

    Their suggestions were treated with the contempt they deserved .

  29. 你朋友梦娜活该被关起来

    Your friend Mona deserves to be drawn and quartered .

  30. 活该你一辈子一个人吃饭。

    You deserve having meals alone for the rest of your life .