
  • 网络black tuesday
  1. 但他怎么也没想到会碰上黑色星期二。

    But even he couldn 't anticipate the events of black tuesday .

  2. 历史学家经常把1929年10月29日(黑色星期二)美国股市的突然和全面崩盘作为此次大萧条的开端。

    Historians most often attribute the start of the Great Depression to the sudden and total collapse of the US stock market on October 29th , 1929 , known as Black Tuesday .

  3. 黑色星期二股市崩盘,那是在1929年10月29日。

    The stock market crashed on Black Tuesday , October 29th , 1929 .

  4. 当市场在黑色星期二局盘,游行民众在那个流血星期日被镇压的时候,美国的未来曾充满了不确定性。

    When the market crashed on Black Tuesday , and civil rights marchers were beaten on Bloody Sunday , the future was anything but certain .

  5. 不过,并购市场的波动就是这样,新的大规模交易的消息会轻而易举地令市场情绪乐观起来,并帮助抚平华尔街黑色星期二造成的伤痛。

    Yet such are the vicissitudes of the MA market that news of a fresh mega deal could easily swing sentiment back to positive and help salve the wounds of a traumatic Tuesday on Wall Street .

  6. 这场大萧条始于美国,由1929年10月29日(也就是人们常说的黑色星期二)股市崩盘引发,然后迅速蔓延至全球许多国家。

    The depression originated in the United States , triggered by the stock market crash of October 29 , 1929 ( known as Black Tuesday ) , but quickly spread to almost every country in the world .

  7. 去年,其是在黑色星期五之后第二最忙的一天。

    Last year , it was second-busiest behind Black Friday .