
  1. 爱不在言语上,也无法用言语表达-特别是服侍上帝的爱。

    Love does not live on words nor can it be explained by words – especially the love which serves God .

  2. 感谢上帝,正如莎士比亚所写的:“爱不在眼睛中,而在心里。”

    Thank heaven that , as Shakespeare wrote ; " love looks not with the eyes , but with the mind . "

  3. 我觉得那种爱不在这里,不在这间豪华套房里,不在这家巴黎的高级旅馆里

    And ... I don 't think ... that love is here ... in this expensive suite ... in this lovely hotel in Paris .

  4. 心灰意冷之后,林戈靠近约翰说:“我离开乐队,因为我演得不好,我感觉不到爱,不在乐队里,你们三个才是真正亲密的,”列侬很惊讶。

    Frustrated , Ringo approached John and said , " I 'm leaving the group because I 'm not playing well , and I feel unloved and out of it , and you three are really close . " Lennon was flabbergasted .

  5. 无论我们感情是否承认,但爱一个不在身边的人的确更加容易。

    Whatever our longings may indicate , it is simply a lot easier to love when someone isn ’ t there .

  6. 嘴上总是说不在爱他,不在关心他。

    Talk about in the not always love him , and not concern him .

  7. 爱无时不在。

    Love loves all the time .

  8. 中国人心上深沉的爱,所以不在公众面前表达他们的爱。

    Chinese people cherish deep love so they don 't like to express love in public .

  9. 爱是在她不在时亲吻她的照片。

    Love is kissing her picture when she is away .

  10. 我娶的女人爱的女人她不在了

    The woman I married , the woman I loved , she 's just ... she 's gone .

  11. 我宁愿从没有感到过爱,也不愿意在一分钟之内感觉到如此多的爱,而一眨眼就全消失,除了这颗破碎的心外,什么都没留下。

    I would rather to never have felt love , than to feel so loved one minute and in the blink of an eye it all be gone , left with nothing more than this broken heart I have now .