
  • 网络Locked up at home;Home Girl
  1. 她不敢出门,实际上已成了关在家中的囚犯。

    She is afraid to go out and has become a virtual prisoner in her own home .

  2. 这么说你现在又开始四处走动了?不把自己关在家里了?

    So you 're getting about a bit again ? Not shutting yourself away ?

  3. 你把我关在家,它是违法的。

    You kept me home , it 's against the law .

  4. 麦肯济把自己关在家里两个月。

    Mackenzie iocked himseif up in his house for two months .

  5. 觉慧仍旧关在家里读报纸。

    Chueh-hui continued hanging around the house reading the newspaper .

  6. 啊,还要把猫关在家里。

    Oh , and keep those cats inside , too .

  7. 你想把他们关在家里。

    You 're trying to put them in a home .

  8. 葬礼一个月后妈妈开始把自己关在家里

    About a month after the funerals , Mom stopped going out .

  9. 那么,为什么大家或者逃走了,或者被关在家中呢?

    Then why has everybody fled or shut themselves up in their homes ?

  10. 别老是把你自己关在家里。

    Don 't lock yourself in all the time .

  11. 我因重伤风而被关在家里。

    I was kept in by a bad cold .

  12. “和我讲话&要不我就把你关在家里,不让你走!”

    I want to say ," talk to me & or you 're grounded !"

  13. 被恶劣的天气耽搁或者关在家里。

    Delayed or shut in by bad weather .

  14. 受大雪的限制或者被大雪关在家里。

    Confined or shut in by heavy snow .

  15. 他们把你关在家里,不要你出去。

    They 've got you locked up at home and won 't let you out .

  16. 我以为当你们知道我所做的你们会把我关在家里

    I thought after you found out all I did , I would be grounded .

  17. 你知道,对于一个把自己关在家里两年的人来说。

    You know , for somebody who 's been locked away in their apartment for two years .

  18. 有些人需要长时间工作,不放心把爱犬关在家里一整天;

    Some work long hours and worry about keeping a dog cooped up at home all day .

  19. 但请不要因此从今以后把孩子关在家里,不去学校接受教育。

    But please let this not result in keeping your children athomeinstead of sending them to school .

  20. 英国广播公司的一部电视系列片提出了这样的问题:晚上是否应该把猫关在家里。

    A BBC television series has raised the question of whether cats should be kept indoors at night .

  21. 想想林惇先生怎么嘱咐我把你关在家里来着,可你就这么溜啦!

    To think how Mr Linton charged me to keep you in ; and you stealing off so !

  22. 你以为我会让我的女儿完全置身于亚特兰大上流社会之外。关在家里长成起来吗?

    Do you think I 'm going to let my daughter grow up outside of everything decent in atlanta ?

  23. 上了大学,第一场恋爱画上句号的那年璁假,我把自己关在家里。

    The summer that I had my first broken college love affair , I shut myself away at home .

  24. 然而我也可以整个周末把自己关在家里,对自己说没有人爱我。

    Whereas , I can enjail myself at home all the weekend , and tell myself that nobody loves me .

  25. 在这些积习中,阿拉伯妇女要被关在家中、保持沉默与不许见人排在了最前面。

    Topping the list of dominant myths are those of Arab women as caged in , silenced , and invisible .

  26. 如何,她再坏也坏不到哪里去,我们总不能把她一辈子关在家里。”

    nnot grow many degrees worse without authorizing us to lock her up for the rest of her life . "

  27. 她不想让儿子给“剁成肉酱”,就最好把他关在家中。

    If she didn 't want her son " cut to ribbons " she had better keep him at home .

  28. 过几年我们就会关在家里发臭了

    In a couple of years , we 're gonna end up bricked into our apartment like a Poe story .

  29. 但当主人出去工作而把宠物关在家里一整天时,它们也会心情郁闷。

    But pets can get in bad moods when they are stuck inside all day while their owners are at work .

  30. 无论如何,她再坏也坏不到哪里去,我们总不能把她一辈子关在家里。

    At any rate , she cannot grow many degrees worse without authorizing us to lock her up for the rest of her life .