
mín ɡōnɡ cháo
  • tide of migrant workers
  1. 自那以后,这种大规模的民工潮一直使城市感到头痛。

    Since then , the tide of migrant workers on a large scale had made the city headache .

  2. 随着民工潮的出现,有关农民工的研究逐渐兴起。

    With the emergence of " the tide of migrant workers ", researches on migrant workers are rising .

  3. 广东省东莞市女性民工潮调查报告

    A Survey of the Female Labour Force in Dongguan , Guangdong

  4. 民工潮中的村民自治

    Villager 's Autonomy in the Wave of Migrant Peasant Laborers

  5. 民工潮现象的社会学研究

    A Sociological Study on the Seasonal Migration of Peasants Research

  6. 略论第三次浪潮与走向东南亚&关于当代中国及四川民工潮的宏观思考

    On the third wave and going towards Southeast Asia

  7. 民工潮促进农村现代化发展

    Large Influx of Rural Labourers into Towns Promotes the Development of Rural Modernization

  8. 从民工潮到民工荒的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis from " Migrant Workers Boom " to " Migrant Workers Scarcity "

  9. 民工潮&农村劳动力跨区域流动的分析

    Analysis on Transregional Influx of Rural Labour Force

  10. 民工潮与农村城市化探析

    Inquire into and Analyse the " Tide of Labourers " and Urbanization of Villages

  11. 中国城乡对立的二元社会经济结构是导致法治困境产生的根本原因,它同时也是民工潮发生的社会历史根源。

    The dualistic construction in society and economy between cities and countries is the basic reason .

  12. 关于中国城市化进程中民工潮现象的思考

    Speculations on waves of redundant rural laborers pouring into the cities in the process of Chinese Urbanization

  13. 改革开放以后,我国出现民工潮现象,外出务工农民逐渐增多。

    After the reform and open policy , our country appeared worker tide phenomenon , migrant farmers increase gradually .

  14. 从民工潮到民工荒&农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析

    From " Waves of Peasant-laborers " to " Shortage of Peasant-laborers "── An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor

  15. 民工潮现象出现后,我国传统农村家庭教育功能呈现出新现象、新特点。

    After the coming of peasant workers flood phenomenon , traditional rural family educational function takes on a new look .

  16. 中西部地区外出农民工回流是民工潮后,我国又一新的人口流动现象。

    Migrant workers ' return of the Central & Western China Region is a new migration phenomenon after thetide of laborers .

  17. 与此同时,随着经济改革的不断深化,中国出现了大批农村剩余劳动力向城市大规模转移的民工潮现象。

    At the same time , along with the economic reform , a large number of rural labor rushes to urban for work .

  18. 随着改革开放带来的民工潮,城市和农村之间出现了大规模的城乡联姻。

    As the result of reform and opening up , and farmers frenzied hunt for work in cities , massive urban-rural marriages appear .

  19. 许多市民现在谈得最多的话题之一是源源不断涌进城市的民工潮。

    One of the most popular topics many city residents talk about now is the tide of the rural poor flooding the cities .

  20. 自2004年春开始,曾引起社会各界关注多年的民工潮逐步被以农民工短缺为特征的民工荒所取代。

    From the spring of 2004 , the migrant worker tide which is paid close attention to has been substituted by the migrant worker shortage .

  21. 随着改革的深入,农村和城镇失业都表现出来了,即下岗和民工潮。

    With the process of the reformation , the unemployment has appeared gradually into ' 'lay-off and " the transfer of the rural labors into town " .

  22. 多少年来,民工潮已成为我国农村剩余劳动力大规模流动和转移的形象比喻,为人们所熟悉。

    For many years ," Migrant Flood " has become the image of the metaphor of a mass movement and transfer of rural surplus labor in China .

  23. 农民工就由缓缓细流汇成声势浩大的民工潮,建设着城市,改变着农村,同时也在潜移默化地改变着他们自己。

    Migrant workers just like trickle slowly merged into the massive flood , building the city , changing the rural areas , while also subtly changing themselves .

  24. “民工潮”的兴起和高涨,是城乡地区经济发展不平衡的阶段性产物。

    The making and upsurge of the " tide of labourers " are the outcome of stage due to disequilibrium of economic development in town and country areas .

  25. 研究民工潮下的农村养老问题已是社会各界无法回避的重大课题。

    So a study of the providing for the aged confronted with the tide of the rural labor has been an important question in our society including academic circles .

  26. 笔者认为解决民工潮、民工荒所引发的社会问题的对策,关键在于改革中国城乡二元经济结;

    We think the critical point to solve social problems caused by peasant worker stream and peasant worker shortage is to reform the structure of Chinas two components city-country economy ;

  27. 摘要城市化进程中的民工潮是中国由传统农业社会向现代工业社会过渡的大势所趋。

    Tides of migrant workers in china 's urbanization process has turned to be an inevitable trend that China is transferring from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society .

  28. 摘要“民工潮”是我国农村社会转型的产物,“农民工”则是向我国工人阶级过渡的新产业群体。

    " Peasant worker tide " is the result of the countryside social transformation of our country . " peasant workers " are a new industry group into the working class .

  29. 从倍受社会瞩目的民工潮到民工荒,都反映了农民工问题在社会经济中的重要性。

    Much attention from society to " the tide of migrant workers " and " shortage of migrant workers " reflects the importance of the issue on migrant workers in the socio-economic .

  30. 近三十年来,大量的农村劳动力离土离乡,在整个中国广阔的大地上寻找和开辟新的生存空间,他们在城市里谋生就业,形成了人们常说的民工潮。

    In the past 30 years , massive rural labor left their home to explore new opportunities throughout the entire China . They found jobs in cities and gradually formed a wave of migration .