
mín jiān ɡù shi
  • folktale;folk story
民间故事 [mín jiān gù shì]
  • [folktale;folk story] 民间口头流传的故事,尤指没有作者姓名、时间、地点的民间传统故事

  1. 最新的花木兰并不是继迪斯尼之后想重现这一民间故事的唯一尝试。

    The latest Mulan is not the only post-Disney attempt to remake the folktale .

  2. 民间故事:现代小说的父体基因

    Folktale : A Paternal Gene of Modern Novel

  3. 剧本吸收了三个苏格兰民间故事并把它们相互衔接起来。

    The play takes three Scottish tales and interlinks them .

  4. 狐狸的害人精形象在传闻和民间故事中遭到严重的夸大。

    The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore .

  5. 新出版的这本书包含20个古老的中国民间故事。

    The newly published book contains 20 old Chinese folk tales .

  6. 许多民间故事是从遥远的过去流传下来的。

    Many folk-tales have come down from a very remote past .

  7. 民间故事是口口相传的,不会留存表明作者身份的文字记录。

    Folk tales are passed on by word of mouth , leaving no written records of who the authors might be .

  8. 年诺贝尔文学奖得主为莫言,他“很好地将魔幻现实与民间故事、历史与当代结合在一起”

    The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan " who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales , history and the contemporary " . 2012

  9. “Motif”一词,用作研究民间故事之术语时,指故事中最小之完整叙事单元,胡适将之音译为“母题”。

    As a literary term , a " motif " is the smallest element in a tale having a power to persist in tradition .

  10. 洛基(Loki)和阿南西(Anansi)这类民间故事中的人物是变革的推动者,但他们也令人不安、让人害怕、甚至古怪狰狞。

    Folkloric figures like Loki and Anansi are the agents of change , but they are also unsettling , frightening , even grotesque .

  11. 电影故事来源于佩罗(Perrault)民间故事与迪士尼公司1950年的动画,布拉纳与编剧克里斯·韦兹(ChrisWeitz)塑造出一个有现代性的女主人公,她因为坚持自己的选择而得到力量,虽然看上去可能有些过时。

    Taking their cue from the Perrault folk tale and the 1950 animated Disney film , Mr. Branagh and the screenwriter Chris Weitz set out to conjure a contemporary heroine empowered by the conviction of her choices , however antiquated they might seem .

  12. 民间故事是经过很多世纪流传下来的优秀故事。

    Folk tale is after many centuries passed down outstanding story .

  13. 从民间故事看壮族的文化源头

    Probing into the Cultural Source of Zhuang nationality from their Folktales

  14. 土族民间故事及其母题类型分析

    An Analysis on the Tus ' Folktale and its Motif Types

  15. 民间故事《当良心》与当代商业道德建设

    Chinese Folktale Pawning the Conscience and Construction of Contemporary Commercial Morals

  16. 从佤族民间故事看女性民俗

    To read the female folk-custom through Wa people 's folk tales

  17. 佛教对傣泰民族民间故事的影响

    The Influence of Buddhism upon Folk Story in Dai Ethnic Group

  18. 东乡族民间故事类型与女性叙事研究沟通民间的叙事策略&论乡土叙述者文学史意义

    The Study on the History-type and Female Narrative of Dongxiangs Folk-story

  19. 东北民间故事在东北旅游经济与文化中的作用

    Action of North-east Folktales to the North-east Tour Economy and Culture

  20. 《黔东民间故事选》的民俗学意义探微

    The Quest for the Selected Folk Stories of East Guizhou Province

  21. 东北民间故事的审美构成浅论

    Analysis of the Aesthetic Constitution in the Northeastern Folk Tales

  22. 民间故事是一种浓缩的智慧文学,每看一次都能获取更多信息。

    Folklore is compacted wisdom-literature that yields more information with each reading .

  23. 有关台湾民间故事的书籍和网站在各地如雨后春笋般出现。

    Books and websites about Taiwanese folk tales are popping up everywhere .

  24. 朝鲜民间故事与《百喻经》之关联探微

    The Link between Korean Folk Stories and Bai Yu Jing

  25. 锡伯族民间故事是我国少数民族文学中一个重要的组成部分。

    Xibe ethnic folk story is an important part among minority literature .

  26. 俄罗斯民间故事研究的双重风貌

    Two Important Aspects in the Study of Russian Folk Tales

  27. 民间故事类型研究法述评

    A Review On the Variety Research Method of Folk Tales

  28. 城市民间故事并非总是基于真实的人。

    D.Urban folk tales are not always based on real people . D.

  29. 《野天鹅》对民间故事的继承与超越

    The Wild Swans : Its Inheritance and Transcendence of Folktales

  30. 民间故事口头性引起的再思考&从民间故事的存在方式与特征谈起

    Reflecting on the Folk Tale 's Oral Characteristic Again