
  1. 劳动待遇和失业补贴也有很大影响。

    Terms of employment and benefits from joblessness also make a big difference .

  2. 而这些非正式员工的劳动保障和待遇往往都很低,一些基本的劳动权益很难保障。

    The labor security and salary of these non-official employees is always low and their basic labor rights and interests are difficult to secure .

  3. 尊重教师劳动,改善教师待遇,改革分配制度。

    Teachers ' labor should be respected , teachers ' treatment improved , and the distribution system reformed .

  4. 由于各工业企业经营绩效、文化背景、用工政策和管理方式等方面的差异,因而在农民合同工、劳务工的劳动用工、福利待遇、参加工会等方面存在的问题也参差不齐。

    There are lots of different problems in respects of material benefits , recruitment system and safeguarding rights , because of the different operating results , cultural backgrounds , policies of recruitment and management styles in enterprises .

  5. 劳动基准作为明确劳动者应当享有的最低劳动权利、劳动条件和劳动待遇的法律规定,其立法目的在于保障劳动者及其家庭最基本的生存发展权,惠及广大劳动者的根本利益。

    The labor standard system is the lowest standard about working conditions and labor rights prescribed by law , which is for the purpose of protecting the basic rights of laborers and their families to survive and develop and the fundamental interests of the laborer group .

  6. 国家通过各种途径,创造劳动就业条件,加强劳动保护,改善劳动条件,并在发展生产的基础上,提高劳动报酬和福利待遇。

    Through various channels , the state creates conditions for employment , enhances occupational safety and health , improves working conditions and , on the basis of expanded production , increases remuneration for work and welfare benefits .