
  1. 另外,劳动力无限供给所形成的微观机制上的AK类型的持续增长,也被现代经济增长理论所忽略。

    Furthermore , infinite labor supply leads the industry sector expand continually and therefore forms AK growth of industry sector in a micro sense , which is neglected by modern economy theory .

  2. 中印两国经济现代化的比较分析&兼论劳动力无限供给条件下的经济发展道路

    Comparative Analysis of Economic Modernization of China and India

  3. 本文在现代经济增长理论框架下构建了劳动力无限供给条件下的经济增长模型,重新阐释了刘易斯二元经济增长理论的思想。

    The paper constructs an economic growth model under the circumstance of infinite labor supply which illuminates Lewis ' two-sector economic growth model exactly .

  4. 民工荒的反复出现打破了我国廉价劳动力无限供给的神话,给依赖低成本劳动力获取利润的加工制造业敲响了警钟。

    Migrant worker shortage appeared again and again , broking cheap labor mythology of the infinite supply in China and giving the processing manufacturing which relies on lower labor costs to gain profit a wake-up call .

  5. 一是高素质、低成本劳动力的无限供给,这种优势具有较强的现实竞争力;

    These advantages include , first , the high quality , low cost and unlimited labor supply ;

  6. 劳动力市场的这种由劳动力无限供给到短缺的变化促使我们重新认识中国的劳动力市场。

    The labor market changes from unlimited supply to labor shortage .

  7. 中国作为拥有1.5亿有待转移的农村剩余劳动力,在理论上处于劳动力无限供给的状态。

    There are 150 000 000 rural surplus labor forces waiting for migration , causing a state of infinite supply of labor force from the view of theory .