
  • 网络minimum phase system;minimum-phase system
  1. 利用PID控制器对被控对象进行镇定,并与之构成最小相位系统,使系统拥有快速的动态响应性能和较强的鲁棒性;

    Objective controlled is stabilized by PID controller and a minimum phase system is composed of both in order to achieve fine dynamic performance and robustness .

  2. 非最小相位系统传递函数的演化模型降阶

    Evolutionary Transfer Function Model Reduction for Non - Minimum Phase System

  3. 非最小相位系统的PID型广义预测自校正控制器

    Generalized Predictive Self-tuning PID Controller for Non-minimum Phase Systems

  4. 基于非线性PID的非最小相位系统控制

    Non-Minimum Phase System Control Based on Nonlinear PID

  5. 基于反馈线性化的MIMO非最小相位系统指数镇定

    Exponential stabilization for MIMO non-minimum phase systems based on feedback linearization

  6. MIMO非线性非最小相位系统的鲁棒跟踪控制

    Robust Tracking Control for MIMO Nonlinear Non-minimum Phase Systems

  7. 提出了几种适用于时滞及非最小相位系统的模糊PID智能复合控制算法。

    The paper also refers several fuzzy PID intelligent composite control algorithms that are applicable to non-minimum phase system with time delay .

  8. 高斯ARMA噪声中非因果非最小相位系统的辨识

    Identification of a Noncausal Nonminimum Phase System in a Gaussian ARMA Noise

  9. 针对某一类非最小相位系统的特性,提出一种新型模糊控制器的设计方法,改进了PID型模糊控制器的结构。

    In accordance with a kind of nonminimum-phase systems , a novel fuzzy controller was proposed . The structure of the conventional PID-type fuzzy controller was modified .

  10. 最小相位系统MRAS的工程设计法

    MRAS engineering design method for SISO mininum phase systems

  11. 非最小相位系统的带宽不能反映系统的动态特性,应该采用穿越频率ωc代替带宽作为性能指标,且ωc应小于非最小相位的零点a。

    The bandwidth of non-minimum phase system can 't reflect dynamic characteristics . Crossover frequency ω _c is the performance index instead of the bandwidth , and the ω _c must be less than the non-minimum-phase zero a.

  12. 非最小相位系统的离散时间MRACS的一种设计方法

    A Design Method of Discrete Time MRACS for Nonminimum Phase System

  13. 将传统PID控制和神经网络相结合,针对非最小相位系统、多变量强耦合非线性系统分别设计了有效实用的预测控制方案。

    Secondly , based on neural networks , a series of works are developed on the following topics : neural network modeling , prediction and control for highly non-minimum phase system , multivariable nonlinear system , etc.

  14. 同时针对该方法不能直接应用到非最小相位系统的问题,对BTT导弹的输出进行了重新定义。

    Meanwhile , since that methodology can not be applied to non-minimum phase system , BTT missiles ' outputs are re-formulated .

  15. 根据BTT导弹的数学模型是一类具有强耦合、非线性、时变的非最小相位系统的特点,利用输入&输出反馈线性化来处理BTT导弹的数学模型。

    Since this model is a highly-coupled , non-linear , time-varying and non-minimum phase system , input-output linearization is used to do some preprocessing work .

  16. 根据粒子群算法具有对整个参数空间进行高效并行搜索的特点,提出一种对PID控制器参数和非最小相位系统的两阶段PI/PD控制器参数进行自整定的计算框架。

    Based on the characteristic of particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm searching the parameter space concurrently and efficiently , a calculative framework is presented to tune PID controller parameters and two-stage PI / PD controller parameters for non-minimum phase system .

  17. 以同时抑制非最小相位系统的超调、负调和调整时间为目的,合理融合遗传算法的并行搜索结构和模拟退火的可控性概率突跳,提出了设计一类PID控制器的混合优化策略。

    To decrease overshoot , undershoot and settling time of NMPS simultaneously , this paper reasonably combines the parallel search structure of genetic algorithm with the controllable jumping property of simulated annealing to propose a hybrid strategy for designing a class of PID controller .

  18. MDAC适用于控制有未知或变化时延的非最小相位系统,以输出偏差最小为超前步选取原则,其控制律可使大于纯时延的将来某一时刻目标函数值为最小。

    MDAC is designed to control non minimum phase systems with unknown or varying dead times . The control advance minimizes the deviation of output .

  19. 以往的基于子空间的CDMA信道估计算法都是在chip速率采样的基础上得到的,其条件是接收信号满足Nyquist定理且信道是最小相位系统,这些条件在实际情况中是很难满足的。

    The former algorithms for estimating the channel response of CDMA system are used for signal sampled with chip rate . The received signal sampled in chip rate does not satisfy the Nyquist theory and the channel may be not a minimum-phase system that the former algorithms do not work .

  20. 在前馈有源噪声控制中,由于次级通道传递函数往往是非最小相位系统,直接使用传统的FXLMS算法时,导致系统的性能下降。

    In the feedforward ANC , when the traditional FXLMS algorithm is applied directly , non-minimum phase ( NMP ) of the secondary-path transfer function will lead to the performance degradation .

  21. 本文对存在有界扰动的CARIMA模型提出一种自适应控制算法,并进行了稳定性分析.该控制算法可用于非最小相位系统的控制,并能保证输出无稳态误差。

    In this paper , a direct adaptive control algorithm is presented for the controlled autoregressive integrated moving-average ( CARIMA ) model with bounded disturbances and the proof of its global stability is carried out The algorithm can deal with nonminimum-phase systems and guarantee a steady-state zero-error output .

  22. 一种基于过采样技术的非最小相位系统盲辨识方法

    Blind Identification Method for Nonminimum Phase System Based on Over Sampling

  23. 离散时间非线性最小相位系统的动态输出反馈镇定

    Stabilization of discrete-time minimum phase nonlinear system via dynamic output feedback

  24. 一种非最小相位系统前馈控制器设计

    A feedforward controller design for periodic signals in non-minimum phase processes

  25. 非线性非最小相位系统伪线性复合控制

    Pseudo-linearization Hybrid Control Strategy for Nonlinear and Non-minimum-phase Control Systems

  26. 非最小相位系统控制器的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Controllers for Non - Minimum Phase Systems

  27. 非最小相位系统一步前最优控制的仿真研究

    A Simulation Result of One-Step-Ahead Optima Controller in a Nonminimum Phase System

  28. 非最小相位系统鲁棒控制及应用研究

    Researches on Robust Control and Application of Non-Minimum Phase Systems

  29. 离散化非最小相位系统的简化零相位控制

    Simple Zero Phase Error Tracking Control Algorithm for Discretization Non-minim Phase System

  30. 非线性最小相位系统输出反馈镇定的一个注记

    A note on dynamic output feedback stabilization of minimun phase nonlinear systems