
zuì ɡāo xiàn jià
  • ceiling price
  1. 上述技术服务费用为本合同履行所必要的技术服务的最高限价。

    The above-mentioned Technical Service fee is the ceiling price for all the service necessary for the performance of the contract .

  2. 最高限价:不管通过供求关系自然达到的价格是多少而只能收取的最高价格。

    Ceiling price : the maximum price which may be charged , regardless of what price would be reached through the natural forces of supply and demand .

  3. 本文探讨了电力项目的回报率问题和电价问题;介绍了世界上一些国家在独立投资电厂和BOT电力项目中所采取和最高限价办法;

    This paper studies electric price and ratio of repayment , and introduces the means of upper limit price which some abroad countries implement in power-plant of independent investment and BOT electric building items .

  4. 最后,提出了基准竞争与最高限价(RPI-X)联合的配电市场价格监管新方法。

    At last , a new price regulation combining yardstick competition with RPI-X in electricity distribution market is given .

  5. 为解决发电侧市场最高限价的设置问题,以美国的投资回报率法(ROR)、英国的零售价格指数法(RPI-X)和利润上限法为基础,提出了动态价格上限设置模型。

    To overcome the difficulty in designing price cap for regulation of electricity market , a novel model , dynamic price capping model , was proposed based on British RPI ( retail price index ), American ROR ( rate of return ) and PCM ( profit capping model ) .

  6. 浅议最高限价在电力工程项目招标中的应用

    Application of the Price Ceiling in the Bidding of Electric Power Project

  7. 严格价格管理.对个体菜贩实行最高限价。

    Strictly administrating the prices and ting the highest price to individual dealers .

  8. 咨询委员会没有请求对最高限价作普遍的提高。

    The advisory committee did not apply for a general increase in the ceiling .

  9. 深圳城市燃气价格改革采取最高限价模型和价格调节机制来实现。

    The price reform will use of model of the highest price limit and price regulation .

  10. 最高限价已被取消。

    The price ceilings are removed .

  11. 单病种最高限价对医疗消费中医患关系的影响探析

    The Single Disease Grows the Tallest Price Control to Consume the Influence Discussion And Analysis the Physician-patient Relationship in the Medical Treatment

  12. 针对公路工程施工招标最高限价编制和审查中,容易忽视的问题,提出自己的观点和看法,供同行参考。

    For the problems in the price limit programming and examination of highway engineering construction tender , the paper proposed some ideas for reference .

  13. 在一些州里,部分药物费用远远高出市场价值,令人费解,于是,联邦政府设定了药物最高限价。

    When some states inexplicably paid far more than the market value for certain drugs , the federal government set maximum prices for medicines .

  14. 本文将最高限价与动态利润调整机制联系起来,提出一种新的电价上限确定方法&利润上限法;

    The paper integrates price limit with dynamic profit-adjusting mechanism for the first time , and proposes a new price ceiling method , Profit Capping .

  15. 结果与结论以最高限价模式为基础的医药电子招投标代理服务定价模式,比较适合当前我国的实际情况。

    RESULTS CONCLUSION : The pricing mode concerning pharmaceutical E-tendering bidding proxy service based upon the mode of price ceiling is suitable to the current condition of China .

  16. 发电申报最高限价有助于防范电价飞升带来的市场风险,但目前并没有设置市场限价的系统理论和方法。

    Though of great value in avoiding risk of electricity market price soaring , yet no systematic theory and method have been achieved in price cap setting at present .

  17. 这意味着,即便中国国内天然气最高限价低于进口价格,中石油也会从天然气销售中获得一些好处,这让中石油更容易接受协议。

    That means the company gets some benefit from gas sales even though the domestic Chinese gas price cap is lower than imported prices , sweetening the pill for CNPC .

  18. 作者首次将最高限价同动态调整机制联系起来,提出了利润上限模型。

    For the first time the price limit is integrated with dynamic profit-adjusting mechanism , and a new regulation model , namely Profit Capping Model ( PCM ), is proposed .

  19. 并购双方特别是并购方,谈判前应对目标企业进行科学、细致的估价,设定并购的最高限价,避免支付过高的并购溢价,造成并购成本过高,导致并购的失败。

    Both side of the M & A , especially the purchase enterprise should estimate the object enterprise carefully before the negotiation . The purchaser should fix the ceiling price , avoiding the overflow payment .

  20. 认为:单病种最高限价克服了患者在医疗消费中信息劣势这一市场常态,真正实现了医疗消费的公开、透明;

    This be : The single disease grows the tallest price control overcame the sufferer in medical treatment consume information bad situation this " market normal ", real realizes the medical treatment consume public and transparent ;

  21. 本文从医疗消费的角度,就单病种最高限价对医疗消费中医患关系的影响展开探讨。

    This text is from the angle that the medical treatment consume , growing the tallest price control for the single disease to consume to the medical treatment the influence that Chinese medicine get relation launch the study .

  22. 本文运用演化博弈理论的思想对发电商的竞价过程进行建模,并分析了市场需求、最高限价、竞价机制等不同情况对发电商报价策略的影响。

    This paper presents model to the bidding process of generation companies based on evolutionary game theory , and analyzes the influence on generation companies ' bidding strategy under different conditions of market demand 、 the price-cap and bidding mechanism .

  23. 对下游批发零售环节,目前实施的是英国的最高限价模式,这对于保证零售市场价格稳定、促进竞争环境形成都有良好的促进作用。

    As to the wholesale and retail aspects , the current implementation of the price ceiling is a British model , which for the retail market to ensure price stability , promoting the formation of competitive environment , have good facilitating role .

  24. 研究结果表明,当电量市场需求小于等于每个发电厂商的申报上网电量时,发电厂商的最优报价将围绕其单位发电成本与电力市场最高限价之间的平均值小幅波动;

    The result shows that when the power market demand is less than or equal to supply of every power plant , the optimal quoted price of every power plant is close to the average value between its unit generation cost and the greatest limited price ;

  25. 对带有转移支付招标机制和最高限价招标机制分析表明,不同的招标机制在降低开发成本、增加供给量、揭示开发企业的实际成本和提高社会福利水平等方面,都具有不同的影响。

    The analysis of bidding mechanism with transfer payment and bidding mechanism with price caps shows that the different bidding mechanisms have different effects on reducing development cost , increasing supply quantity , revealing the true cost of developer , and enhancing the level of social welfare .

  26. 基金的缴纳办法有待改进。保险保障基金可以对每次索赔应规定最高上限价。本文第一章介绍了社会保障基金的一般理论并且对社会保障基金投资运营和管理做了理论和现实的分析。

    The third is of improving the custody and management of insurance security funds . Chapter I introduces some general theories on social security funds , as well as a theoretical and practical analysis about the system of the state social security funds investing and management .