
  1. 任何一个女孩都抵抗不了他的魅力,他是镇上风头最胜的男孩。

    No girl could withstand his charms . He ' cut out ' every boy in the village .

  2. 积聚所有良善的功德,避免不纯净的行为,如此在我们一生作结之时,我们将获得所有最胜功德。

    Adopt all good qualities and refrain from impure actions so that at the conclusion of our life we will have collected all the good qualities .

  3. 世界上最负胜名的自由标志之一&自由女神雕像将在七月重新对公众开放。

    One of the world 's most enduring emblems of freedom , the statue of liberty , will reopen to the public in july .