
  • 网络collagenase;Collagen
  1. 胆总管内插管成功后,切除胰腺组织并用浓度为25mg/ml胶原蛋白酶V灌注消化。

    After common bile duct cannulation , the pancreas was resected and digested in collagenase V ( 2 5 mg / ml ) .

  2. 用彗星电泳对胶原蛋白酶和链霉蛋白酶联合作用下的淋巴细胞进行了分析,结果表明,该条件不会对细胞的DNA造成损伤。

    Determining the lymphocytes digested by the combination of collagenase and pronase with comet assay , the result suggest that the DNA of the cells are not damaged .

  3. 目的:探讨在CT引导下经小关节内侧缘穿刺,注入臭氧及胶原蛋白酶联合应用治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究。

    Objective : To discuss the clinical research of CT-guided combined with injection of ozone and collagenase in the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation through inner margin of small joint .

  4. 红非鲫(Oreochromisniloticus)鱼皮胶原蛋白酶解条件的研究

    Study on enzymic hydrolytic conditions of skin collagen from Oreochromis niloticus

  5. W型胶原蛋白酶或明胶酶能够降解许多ECM蛋白,包括W型和I型胶原、纤维连接蛋白、层粘连蛋白和弹性蛋白。

    The type IV collagenases or gelatinases degrade a variety of ECM proteins , including type IV and type I collagen , fibronectin , laminin and elastin .

  6. 的酶解效果最好,活细胞的得率达到4.604×10~6/g,且胶原蛋白酶Ⅰ酶解得到的细胞以成纤维细胞为主;

    The gaining ratio of living cell reach to 4.604 # 106 / g , and fibroblast is main cell in the best test ; The main content of this dissertation is as follows : ⅰ .

  7. 在MMPs家族中,W型胶原蛋白酶(MMP一和MMP习)在炎症过程的PMNS组织浸润中尤其重要,因为W型胶原蛋白在血管基底膜中是十分丰富的。

    Among these MMPs , the type IV collagenases ( MMP-2 and MMP-9 ) are particularly important in tissue infiltration by PMNs during inflammation because of the abundance of type IV collagen in the vascular basement membrane .

  8. 目的研究胶原蛋白酶解物(CEH)对大鼠血压、豚鼠肠平滑肌及猪肺ACE的作用。

    Objective The effects of collagen enzymatic hydrolysate ( CEH ) on blood pressure in rat , ileal smooth muscle of guinea pig and angiotensin converting enzyme ( ACE ) of pig lung were studied in this paper .

  9. 大熊猫皮肤组织块在200IU/ml胶原蛋白酶Ⅰ,在4℃下酶解48-72h。

    In four tests of enzyme digestion for cutaneous tissue of giant panda : the test which collagenase type I is at the concentration of 200IU / ml under 4 ℃ being kept 48-72 hours is the best method in four tests .

  10. 结果:4种微创手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的总有效率达82.27%,其中CT-PLD组、X-PLD组、胶原蛋白酶组及MED组的治疗有效率分别为90.48%、81.90%、66.02%和92.00%。

    Results : The total effective ratio of the 4 groups was 82.27 % ( it was 90.48 % , 81.90 % , 66.02 % and 92.00 % respectively in CT-PLD group , X-PLD group , collagenase group and MED group );

  11. 将胃粘膜组织置于不同分离液中,37℃振荡50min,结果显示:胶原蛋白酶、链霉蛋白酶、胰酶、EDTA-Na2单独使用及胰酶与EDTA-Na2联合使用,样本得到的细胞都较少;

    Incubating the gastric mucosa in digestion solvent and shaking in 37 ℃ . Treated by collagenase , pronase , trypsin , EDTA-Na_2 separately , and combination of EDTA-Na_2 and trypsin , the cell number released from every sample is low .

  12. 产骨胶原蛋白酶菌的筛选及发酵条件优化的研究

    Research on screening strain with bone collagenase and optimizing fermentation conditions

  13. 胶原蛋白酶产生菌的筛选及其产酶特性研究

    Screening of Collagenase-producing Strain and Studying on the Characteristics of Collagenase

  14. 猪骨胶原蛋白酶解物中血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂的提纯

    Isolation of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor from Enzymatic Hydrolysate of Hog Bone Collagen

  15. 胶原蛋白酶解产物功能特性研究

    Study of Functional Properties of Collagen Hydrolysate Prepared by Enzymolysis

  16. 响应曲面法骨胶原蛋白酶解条件的优化

    Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Conditions of Pig Bone Collagen by Response Surface Methodology

  17. 响应面法优化东海海参胶原蛋白酶解工艺

    Optimization of Extraction Technology of Collagen from Sea Cucumber by Response Surface Methodology

  18. 不同蛋白酶对鱼鳞胶原蛋白酶解产物的氨基酸分析

    Amino acid analysis of enzymatic hydrolysates of fish scale collagen treated by different proteases

  19. 扇贝裙边胶原蛋白酶解物清除超氧阴离子能力的研究

    Study on the Scavenging Effect of Scallop Skirt Collagen Hydrolysate on Superoxide Anion Radical

  20. Ⅰ型胶原蛋白酶及纤维粘连蛋白抗体对牙骨质基质提取物活性的影响

    Effects of ⅰ - collagenase and polyclonal antibody to fibronectin on bioactivity of human cementum extracts

  21. 骨胶原蛋白酶解工艺及骨营养粉对大鼠补钙功效的研究

    Studies on Enzymolysis Technology of Bone Collagen and Effects of Nutrition Bone Powder on Calcium Supplementation of Rat

  22. 椎间盘组织与细胞体外培养及胶原蛋白酶对其形态学影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Intervertebral Disc Tissue and Cell and the Histological Influence of Collagenase on Them in Vitro Culture

  23. 结论:胶原蛋白酶浓度是影响卵巢中卵泡分离的主要因素,它和消化时间对卵泡分离及分离后卵泡形态、存活能力有影响。

    It indicated that the concentration of collagenase in the medium would be a key factor for isolating of primary follicles .

  24. 而胶原蛋白酶和链霉蛋白酶联合使用时,得到的细胞总数、上皮细胞比率及细胞活率都较高。

    However combination treatment by collagenase and pronase , the cell number , the proportion of epithelia cell or the cell viability are high .

  25. 关节机械力分布失衡、负荷过度后,出现软骨磨损及软骨细胞代谢异常,软骨细胞释放溶酶体和胶原蛋白酶,导致胶原蛋白网断裂。

    After the imbalance of the joint mechanical force distribution and excessive load , cartilage wear and cartilage cells metabolism disorders , cartilage cells release lysosome and collagen protease , which cause collagen network fault .

  26. 实验表明经过02%戊二醛交联1h的胶原蛋白抗酶解性能最好,基本能满足生物医学材料的要求。

    It revealed that the collagen crosslinked with 0.2 % GTA for 1h showed optimum performance of anti-collagenase degradation , which could meet the demands of the biomedical materials .

  27. 皮胶原蛋白的酶法提取及在高附加值领域的应用

    Production of Hide Collagen by Protease and its Applications in high Extra Value Industries

  28. 本文研究了胶原蛋白经酶水解后所得胶原水解物的功能特性。

    Functional properties of collagen hydrolysate prepared by enzymes were studied in this paper .

  29. 胶原蛋白溶解酶注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症后症状加重再次治疗31例的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 31 Cases by Treating again which Sympton Increased after Collagenase Injection for Lumbar Disc Chemonucleolysis

  30. 鱼皮胶原蛋白及其酶解产物胶原活性多肽已引起人们的广泛关注。

    Fish skin collagen and its enzymic hydrolysates & collagen active polypeptides have received increasing attention for their unique physiochemical property and excellent physiological active function .