
  • 网络rice field sunning;field drying
晒田 [shài tián]
  • [dry field] 为使水稻根系深扎,防止倒伏,把田里的水抽干,让太阳照射田面,也叫烤田

  1. 通过控水晒田可迅速提高土壤Eh值,使土壤水溶解的甲烷量和排放量骤然下降,其下降幅度在90%以上。

    Water control by drainage could rapidly increase the value of Eh , resulting in a sharp decrease of water soluble methane in the soil and > 90 % of its emission .

  2. 他们用排水晒田的办法对潮湿地带进行了治理。

    They treated wet land by draining and sunning the fields .

  3. 排水晒田防治水稻三化螟虫的效果及其原因

    On the effect and cause of rice borer control by drainage of the rice field

  4. 及时露晒田,控制无效分蘖,后期严格控制氮肥的用量;

    Timely exposing paddy field to sun , controlling ineffecient tillers and strictly controlling application of amount of nitrogen ;

  5. 应用空间分布型统计参数IWAOM-m模型中α、β及若干聚集度指标分析了烟蚜在晒红烟烟田的空间格局,并对抽样技术进行了探讨。

    The spacial pattern of Myzus persicae ( Sulzer ) in tobacco field was analyzed with the α, β and some indexes of social degree in Iwao m-m model of statistical parameter of spacial distribution , and the sampling technique was discussed as well .