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  1. 云南晒青毛茶HPLC指纹图谱的研究

    Study on HPLC Fingerprint of Pu-erh Crude Tea in Yunnan

  2. 采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术对云南普洱茶晒青毛茶的主要化学成分的指纹图谱进行了研究。

    The fingerprint of main chemicals in Pu-er crude tea collected from Yunnan was investigated by HPLC .

  3. 云南大叶种鲜叶制成的晒青毛茶。

    The raw material adopts fresh and sun-greened big leaf species tea of Yunnan .

  4. 熟茶:以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过渥堆发酵等工艺加工而成的茶称为熟茶。

    Cooked tea : is a tea made of Shaiqinmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species treated by fermenting process .

  5. 普洱茶是以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料通过微生物发酵而得,普洱茶的品质形成中,微生物起了重要作用。

    Pu ' er tea is made from by post-fermented of the raw tea , in which the microbes play an important role .

  6. 生茶:是将云南大叶种晒青毛茶直接蒸压成型的茶。

    Raw tea : is a tea made of Shaiqingmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species by directly braising and pressing to form .

  7. 普洱茶是以云南省一定区域内的云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过后发酵加工而成的散茶和紧压茶。

    Pu'er tea is a loose tea and compressed tea made of Shaiqingmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species in the certain area of Yunnan province by fermenting process .

  8. 以云南大叶种特级晒青毛茶为原料,研究普洱茶加工过程中主要成分的变化规律及其各项指标的相关性。

    Special grade sun dried green tea of Yunnan large leaf was used as the experimental subject to examine the changes and correlations of main chemical components during Pu'er tea processing .

  9. 瞬时压差工艺在传统绿茶加工、绿碎茶和晒青毛茶加工中都有很好的应用效果。

    It has been further proved that instantaneous controlled pressure drop technology application has a good effects on the process of traditional green tea , broken green tea and sun-dried green tea .

  10. 采用景谷当地上百年大叶种老茶树晒青毛茶(把把茶)制作而成,里外如一,每年限量生产2000团。

    Jinggu a century by the local big leaves drying green tea Maocha old ( to the tea ) is made of inside and outside , as one group each of limited production in2000 .