- water-holding capacity

The correlation coefficient was 0.88 between water consumption and water evaporation of every period of ten days in field water-holding capacity (θ f ) of 50 % - 60 % .
( 0.15g / cm3 ) among them , and its weight is 17 % of the contrast , but water-holding capacity is 6 times contrasted ( No. 15 ) . The weight of No.
The highest concentration occurred at the field water capacity ( 58 % wfps ) .
Under different soil moisture conditions , the content of SAC is highest when soil moisture is between 45 % ~ 60 % of soil water holding capacity ;
RT increased sharply as soil drying , then remained 24 hr if the soil water content was under a critical level .
Different chemical improvers were able to increase soil permeability and soil field capacity , reduce soil pH , reduce soil total salt content , increase CEC , reduce ESP in different extent .
The release rate coefficient ( a ) is defined as the ratio both k values under the each soil moistures and 30 % moisture , and expressed as a function of soil moisture potential (Ψ) .
An indoor incubation experiment was conducted to investigate dynamics of available phosphorus ( P ) content in paddy soils different in soil moisture regime ( submerged or 60 % water holding capacity ) and submerging water layer as influenced by phosphate fertilizer application .
At soil water content 60 % ~ 75 % field water capacity ( θ F ), the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate of plants were higher then others , and the prophase yields were the highest .
By analysis of variance and SSR multiple comparisons , in two tobacco fields , the check difference was apparent which paved the keeping water membrane compared with another without it .
At the 80 % field capacity , when the root was cutted more seriously and more later , the seed yield WUE of millet were dropped ;
Soil moisture contents decreased with the increase of soil depth . and decreased successively with the increase of water depth in vertical direction .
The results were as follows : The soil bulk density was higher , total porosity and field capacity of preserving water were small , organic materials were scant , the content of nutrients distributed uniformly , and the trend of pH value was upward .
The field capacity about 80 % for sowing is maintained . The brown seed harvested in this year is used for soaking .
Mineralization and nitrification incubation experiments were conducted under 65 % FC ( field capacity ) or 100 % FC and 28 C , and for nitrification study 200mgN / kg of urea was added to the soil .
The results indicated , the optimum soil relative water-retaining capacities ( RH ) for breeding stems germination of H.Cordata Thunb was 90 % and the high soil RH was beneficial to stem elongation and yield formation .
Natural water content of it is 42 % and water holding capacity 18 6 % . The biomass is the largest in altitude 600  ̄ 800 m ;
And under 50 % soil saturated capacity , leaf stomatal conductance decreased evidently , and the volume of CO_2 absorption and H_2O transpiration both decreased as well but the H_2O transpiration reduced with more extent .
When using PAM , the soil saturation content and soil field water-content can increase and the treatment can prevent the evaporation of soil water , so the water content of the treatment is higher than control .
Non_ capillary capacity of evergreen broadleaf forests was more than 100 mm , but was less than 100 mm in the cold_temperate / temperate deciduous broadleaf and evergreen coniferous forests .
Under the same condition , the demethylation speed of DMA is apparently faster than MMA ; The optimal soil moisture for the transformation of DMA and MMA are 100 % , 70 % of the maxmun field capacity . 3 .
The moisture in the fallow sandy soil could reach field capacity under the nor - mal precipitation and moisture content was 15 % in 0-100 cm depth in October .
As to the soil samples including the dry soil ( DS ) and wet soil ( WS , 50 % of the field holding capacity ), the recoveries of these PAHs were always larger than 85 % with RSD smaller than 3.1 % .
Drought treatment , keeping the soil water content at 40 % - 50 % of field capacity by weighing the pots , kept on for 14 d starting at the beginning of flowering on the top branches , no watering afterwards .
While the lowest Cd concentrations of 27.97mg/kg and 23.52mg / kg , were found for the treatment with field moisture capacity of 85 % .
Under field capacity ( W 2 ), soil-root hydraulic resistance increased several times above that under W 1 , water suction rate and transpiration rate declined significantly , while the diurnal single-peak pattern of transpiration was not altered .
Under the assumption of the isotropy , the range of soil properties correlation distance was 74 ~ 186m , the maximum is field capacity and the minimum is soil aggregates .
The soil has become more porous and the soil unit weight has had a drop of 0.3445g/cm3 and 0.2050g/cm3 and its capillary water capacity has increased by 12.59 % and 12.02 % , the water preservation and storage capacity of the soil has been considerably strengthened .
Litter storage of the compound model is 7.08 t · hm ~ - 2 and the intercepting rate averages 12.47 % , its minimum water-holding capacity is equivalent to the rainfall in 1.8 mm ;
At 22d after emergence , the aboveground and underground biomass of corn increased with increasing soil water content , while at 16d corn biomass for field moisture capacity of 35 % and 85 % were lower than those for other soil water contents .