
shài yān
  • sun-cured tobacco
晒烟[shài yān]
  1. 引进稻种资源农艺与品质特异性分析晒烟种质资源主要性状的基因型差异

    Analysis on Agronomy and Quality Properties of Introduced Rice Germplasm Genotype Differences in Main Characters among Sun-cured Tobacco Germplasm Resources

  2. 红土晒烟调制期化学成分变化规律研究

    Studies on Change of Chemical Compositions of Sun-cured Tobacco during Curing Process

  3. 在晒烟幼苗期,使用VA菌根其菌接种剂,促进了晒烟的生长,叶面积增加;结果表明,接种处理苗高、茎叶和根系鲜重均显著高于不接种处理;

    The results show that the plant height and the fresh weight of roots and shoots were increased significantly by VA mycorrhizal inoculation .

  4. 云南晒烟种类与利用

    The Types and Use of Sun - cured Tabacco from Yunnan

  5. 对北方晒烟育种中几个遗传参数的应用研究

    Study on Genetic Parameter of Sun - cured Tobacco in North

  6. 两个晒烟品种主要致香成分分析

    Analysis of Major Aromatic Components in Sun - cured Tobacco

  7. 黑龙江省晒烟种质资源的收集与利用研究

    Collection and Application of Sun-cured Tobacco Germplasm in Heilongjiang Province

  8. 晒烟稳定株系选拔中的灰色关联分析

    The grey correlation analysis in the selection of stable sun cured tobacco line

  9. 红土晒烟的烟叶成熟度标准

    The Standard on Ripe Leaf of Cut Dark Tobacco

  10. 有机肥与中微肥对晒烟品质的影响

    Effect of Organic , Medium and Micro Fertilizers on the Quality of Sun-cured Tobacco

  11. 晒烟主要早熟性状与产量的遗传分析

    Analysis of correlation and path on main early ripening characters and yield of Sun-cured tobacco

  12. 晒烟新品种产量、产值的稳定性分析

    The Stability Analysis on the Yiel 、 Yiel Value of New Sun - Cured Tobacco Variety

  13. 施氮水平及钾素配比对晒烟生理生化特性的影响

    Influence of Different N Level and K Ratio on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Sun-cured Tobacco

  14. 中国名晒烟之一的桐乡晒红烟,是传统出口产品;

    Chinese name of sun-cured tobacco , one of the Tongxiang sun-cured tobacco , is a traditional export products ;

  15. 根据梅拉德反应的本质与特性,以各种烟草如烤烟、白肋烟及四川糊毛晒烟等为原料,开发出一系列烟草反应物香料。

    By Maillard Reaction , a series of important tobacco reaction flavour was developed with tobacco , such as Virginia tobacco and Buley tobacco .

  16. 综合考虑烟叶内在质量和经济效益,牡丹江地区晒烟合理施氮量应为5kg/667m2。

    Considering the intrinsic quality and economical benefits comprehensively , the rational amount of nitrogen applied to sun-cured tobacco was 5 kg / 667m2 in Mudanjiang area .

  17. 地方晒烟种质资源对烟草黑胫病抗性研究烟草内生真菌种群多样性及烟草赤星病生防内生菌的筛选

    Local Sun-cured Tobacco Germplasm Resources for Tobacco Black Shank Resistance Studies of Population Diversity on Endophytic Fungi of Tobacco and Selection of Biocontrol Endophyte to Tobacco Brown Spot Disease

  18. 晾晒烟是雪茄烟和混合型卷烟的重要生产原料,也是进行我国烟草杂交育种的重要种质资源。

    Sun-cured tobacco was not only the important production materials of cigar and mixed type tobacco , but also the important germplasm resources for proceeding cross breeding of Chinese tobacco .

  19. 通过聚类分析,将24个种质分为6大聚类群,类群Ⅰ包含11种质,其中烤烟5个,晒烟3个,白肋烟2个,雪茄烟1个;

    Through clustering , 24 germplasms were divided into 6 clusters , I contains 11 germplasms , in which 5 flue-cured tobacco , 3 sun cured tobacco , 2 hurley tobacco and 1 cigar .

  20. 我国按烟叶品质特点、生物学性状和栽培方法,把普通烟草划分为烤烟、晒烟、晾烟、白肋烟、香料烟五个类型。

    According to the quality of tobacco leaf characteristics , biological characteristics and cultivation methods , Nicotiana tabacum is divided into flue-cured tobacco , sun-cured tobacco , air-cured , burley and oriental tobacco in China .

  21. 在团棵期和旺长期喷施硼肥,掌握在适宜用量的范围不仅可有效降低红土晒烟的烟碱含量,使烟丝化学成分更趋协调,而且改善了红土晒烟的香气品质,使整体内在质量获得提高。

    At growing age , spraying boric fertilizer with proper amount can reduce nicotine content evidently and improve aroma quality , which giving rise to harmony of chemical composition of tobacco shred and better quality in the round .