
shí zhuānɡ shè jì shī
  • fashion designer;stylist;fashion stylist;trendsetting designers;fashionist
  1. 斯特拉,21岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。

    Stella , 21 , is at art school training to be a fashion designer .

  2. 卡罗琳是一名时装设计师。

    Carolyne is a fashion designer .

  3. 你见到了关于年轻时装设计师的那篇文章没有?

    Have you seen that article about young fashion designers ?

  4. 上周,巴黎的时装设计师们展示了他们的冬季时装作品。

    The Paris couturiers showed their collections for winter last week .

  5. 时装设计师在过去的几年间表现得更出色了。

    The fashion designers have sharpened up their act in the last few years

  6. 今天,时装设计师是家喻户晓的人物。

    Today , fashion designers are household names

  7. 如果你决意要身着设计师之作惊艳出位,那就考虑雇请一位时装设计师吧。

    If you 're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress , consider hiring one .

  8. 卡尔顿·约瑟夫是一名时装设计师,但不是一名普通的时装设计师。

    Carlton Joseph is a fashion designer , but not just any fashion designer .

  9. 艾玛·斯通将会用最傲慢的英国口音来饰演20世纪70年代伦敦的一位追名逐利的时装设计师艾斯黛拉。

    Emma Stone puts on her haughtiest5 English accent to play Estella – a fashion designer who is desperate for fame and fortune in 1970s London .

  10. 2月10日,时装设计师特里娜•特克在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)举办了首场发布秀。

    Fashion designer Trina Turk held her first show at New York Fashion Week on February 10 .

  11. 当地时装设计师KennyLi也开始更加意识到环境问题。

    Kenny Li , local fashion designer , has also become more aware of the environment .

  12. 甚至“露跟女鞋设计之王”、2014年度美国时装设计师协会与Vogue合办的时装基金大奖(CFDA/VogueFashionFundaward)得主保罗•安德鲁(PaulAndrew)也表现得很谦恭。

    Even Paul Andrew , " king of the slingback " and 2014 winner of the CFDA / Vogue Fashion Fund , is feeling lowly .

  13. 为了支持妻子的事业,他总是身穿精致的西装或礼服,定期参加大都市博物馆的年度募捐晚宴(MetGala)和美国时装设计师理事会颁奖典礼(theCouncilofFashionDesignersofAmericaAwards)。

    He was always in a sharp suit or tux . Regularly at the Met Gala or the Council of Fashion Designers of America Awards to support his wife .

  14. 时装设计师亚历山大麦奎恩(alexandermcqueen)曾在几年前向特纳租借了一些鸟类填充标本。

    Alexander McQueen , the fashion designer , leased stuffed birds from Turner a few years ago .

  15. 过去3个月,伟大的纽约大都会博物馆(MetropolitanMuseum)一直在举办已故英国时装设计师麦昆的作品回顾展。

    For the past three months , the mighty Metropolitan Museum in New York has been running a retrospective exhibition of the work of McQueen , the late British fashion designer .

  16. 丹麦的第一部彩色电影是1956年的《基斯普斯》(Kispus),主角是怪癖可爱的时装设计师马塞尔先生(Mr.Marcel)。

    The first color live action film made in Denmark , " Kispus , " from 1956 , features a lovably eccentric fashion designer , Mr. Marcel .

  17. 很显然,脱鞋的事情让Gaga有些懊恼,这双鞋是由已故时装设计师亚历山大·麦昆所设计的,LadyGaga用穿鞋的方式来纪念他。

    Apparently LG was miffed about ditching the heels designed by an old pal , the late Alexander McQueen , which she wore in honor of him .

  18. 昨日,美术设计师、工艺品设计师和时装设计师们齐聚在南山区OCT生态广场的创意市集,出售他们的创意及尖端产品。

    Arts , crafts and fashion designers gathered at a creativity market in the OCT Ecological Square in Nanshan District to sell their creative and cutting-edge products yesterday .

  19. 这位时装设计师和女商人在Instagram上上传的短片中,和YouTube的时尚和美容总监德雷克布拉斯伯格一起宣布她的最新计划。

    The fashion designer and businesswoman announced her newest endeavour on Instagram in a short clip with YouTube 's fashion and beauty director Derek Blasberg .

  20. 美国时装设计师协会也许仍对去年蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿透明连衣裙现身颁奖礼感到震惊,它决定2015年不颁发所谓的时尚偶像奖(FashionIcon)。

    Perhaps still blinking after Rihanna showed up in a transparent dress to last year 's ceremony , the CFDA has elected not to anoint a so-called Fashion Icon in 2015 .

  21. 这件衣服是完全由废弃物质所造的,是由意大利高档女装设计师设计的,由伦敦时装设计师OrsoladeCastro所造。

    The dress is made entirely from material discarded by upmarket couturiers in Italy , and created by London designer Orsola de Castro .

  22. 与此同时,时装设计师蕾切尔·科米(RachelComey)与他们取得联系,想加入这个节目。

    At the same time , the fashion designer Rachel Comey got in touch , wanting to be involved in the project .

  23. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers were really into kilts and tartan trousers .

  24. HelloKitty将展示时装设计师约翰?加利亚诺设计的“迪奥”最新秋冬装系列,杂志还将刊登HelloKitty与设计师的合影以及她在巴黎尽情采购的情景。

    The fashion spread will show Kitty modeling the latest autumn and winter designs by John Galliano for the Dior brand , posing with the designer and enjoying a shopping spree in Paris .

  25. 王薇薇最近刚拿到美国时装设计师协会(CouncilofFashionDesignersofAmerica)颁发的终生成就奖。多年来她一直在婚纱设计领域进行创新——运用色彩和编织手法,甚至将面料扔进洗衣机里。

    The designer , who recently took home the lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America , has been innovating in bridal design for years ─ using color , knits and even throwing fabric into a washing machine .

  26. 另外他还买了3000件芭比的装束,其中甚至有一件出自著名时装设计师OscardelaRenta的手笔,另外他还为芭比娃娃买了飞机、摩托车、豪华轿车、野营车等等。

    He has also bought 3,000 Barbie outfits , including one by fashion designer Oscar de la Renta , as well as an airplane , motorcycle , limousine and camper van for the dolls .

  27. 过去,美国时装设计师协会(CouncilofFashionDesignersofAmerica)曾把时尚编辑记者奖(EugeniaSheppardAward)授予各种新闻人:特丽·阿金斯(TeriAgins)、帕特里克·麦卡锡(PatrickMcCarthy)等报人;

    In the past , the Council of Fashion Designers of America has bestowed its Eugenia Sheppard Award for media on a wide range of journalists : newspaperpeople ( Teri Agins , Patrick McCarthy ) ;

  28. 63岁的黛安冯芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)为克拉里奇酒店设计的系列套房近日已交付使用这标志着该酒店和时装设计师的首次联袂合作。

    Diane von Furstenberg , 63 , has recently unveiled a series of suites she has designed for Claridge 's in London marking the hotel 's first collaboration with a fashion designer .

  29. 在最后这篇文章中,评论家苏西·门克斯(SuzyMenkes)观察发现,越来越多的时装设计师在借用战场的视觉修辞。

    wherein the critic Suzy Menkes observed an increased number of fashion designers trafficking in the visual rhetoric of the battlefield .

  30. 纽约时装设计师johnvarvatos已经想出了如何利用新西兰羔羊皮,并在油脂混合液中进行预洗,使得他设计的夹克衫和大衣外表看起来非常坚硬,但手感却如丝般柔软。

    New York-based John Varvatos has figured out how to take New Zealand lambskin and pre-wash it in an oil mix so his blousons and crombies look Street tough but have a silky soft touch .