
  • 网络limitation period;Statutes of Limitation
  1. �因环境污染损害赔偿提起诉讼的时效期间为三年,从当事人知道或者应当知道受到污染损害时起计算。

    The limitation period for prosecution with respect to compensation for environmental pollution losses shall be three years , counted from the time when the party becomes aware of or should become aware of the pollution losses .

  2. 但是,在任何情况下时效期间不得超过从造成损害的事故生之日起六年。

    However , in no case shall the limitation period exceed six years , counting from the day on which the accident causing the pollution occurred .

  3. 第一百三十六条下列的诉讼时效期间为一年:

    Article 136 The limitation of action shall be one year in cases concerning the following :

  4. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年的,人民法院不予保护。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed .

  5. 未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。

    Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action .

  6. 在本阶段,申请仲裁时效期间的法定名称,劳动行政部门称之为申请仲裁时效,法院称之为申请仲裁期间,为期60日R,自劳动争议发生之日开始计算。

    At this stage , the statutory limitation period for arbitration name for the labor administrative authorities call " time for arbitration ," the court called " for arbitration period " for a period of 60 days , from the " date of occurrence of labor dispute . " counted .

  7. 从中断时起,诉讼时效期间重新计算。

    A new limitation shall be counted from the time of the discontinuance .

  8. 民事权利诉讼时效期间的起算问题

    On the problem of accounting the time periods of civil rights ' extinctive prescription

  9. 有特殊情况的,人民法院可以延长诉讼时效期间。

    Under special circumstances , the people 's court may extend the limitation of action .

  10. 论诉讼时效期间的起算&以未定期限债权为客体的分析路径

    Time Limits of Litigation : When to Start ? & A Analyzing Approach with Timeless Debt as an Object

  11. 对于时效期间届满后的诉讼时效利益允许义务人自由处分。

    The limitation interests after the expiration of the limitation period are allowed to freely manage by the obligor .

  12. 笔者认为保证合同的诉讼时效期间不能长于主债务的诉讼时效期间。

    The author thought guarantee contract limitation of lawsuit period cannot excel in the main debt limitation of lawsuit period .

  13. 本文意在探讨申请仲裁时效期间制度的演变历程。

    This paper is intended to apply for arbitration of the evolution of the system during the course of time .

  14. 保证期间与主合同诉讼时效期间和保证合同诉讼时效期间相互独立。

    The guaranty term is separated from the limitation of the action both of the main contract and the guaranty contract .

  15. 事实重婚的追诉时效期间应从双方自行结束同居关系之日起计算。

    Prescription of prosecution to factual bigamy shall be calculated from the date of ending the relationship of cohabitation between the two sides .

  16. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed upon .

  17. 劳动争议仲裁处于试行办理阶段,尚无关于申请仲裁时效期间的法律规定。

    Arbitration of labor disputes in a " trial for " stage , there is no limitation period on the application of arbitration law .

  18. 消灭时效期间是体现权利让位于事实、应然状态让步并妥协于实然状态之合理限度的重要范畴。

    The term of extinctive prescription embodies the rational concessive limitation of rights to facts , and compromise limitation of state-should-be to practical state .

  19. 诉讼当事人往往基于现实的需要而未约定债务的履行期限,目前,我国学术界对未定履行期的请求权的诉讼时效期间的起算意见未达成一致。

    There are different views in academic circle about how to ascertain the beginning for calculating the prescription period of Anspruch of unascertained deadline for performance .

  20. 第一百三十八条超过诉讼时效期间,当事人自愿履行的,不受诉讼时效限制。

    Article 138 If a party chooses to fulfil obligations voluntarily after the limitation of action has expired , he shall not be subject to the limitation .

  21. 不应允许当事人随意通过协议改变诉讼时效期间,诉讼时效利益也不可预先抛弃。

    The parties should not be allowed to change arbitrarily the limitation period by agreement , and the interests of limitation must not be abandoned in advance .

  22. 从理论上分析保证责任期间的性质为除斥期间,而非诉讼时效期间。诉讼时效与除斥期间区分标准之再探索

    Nature of period of liability for guaranty is theoretically analyzed . A Probe into a Line of Distinction between Procedural Prescription and the terms of Validity of Right

  23. 同时根据行政诉讼类型的不同以及行政行为的不同可以对诉讼时效期间的长短和法律效果做不同规定。

    Meantime such regulations based on differences of administrative lawsuit types and administrative actions should be adopted to define the length and legal effects of administrative limitation of action .

  24. 从主观标准和客观标准相结合的原则来考虑,诉讼时效期间应从请求权人知道或应当知道请求权的实现受到被请求权人阻碍时起计算。

    When in this circumstance the prescription period should be calculated when the lighter knows or should know that the realization of Anspruch has been stopped by his opponent .

  25. 一次时效期间,在界面能和共格应变能的作用下,γ′相长大呈立方体形貌;

    In the role of interface and lattice misfit strain energies , the γ′ phase has grown into the morphology with cubic shape during first aging at 1040 oC .

  26. 第一百三十五条向人民法院请求保护民事权利的诉讼时效期间为二年,法律另有规定的除外。

    Article 135 Except as otherwise stipulated by law , the limitation of action regarding applications to a people 's court for protection of civil rights shall be two years .

  27. 与其他民事争议的解决大为迥异的是,寻求法律救济的被歧视人必须在规定的时效期间内,向平等就业机会委员会提出告诉。

    Different from other civil disputes , a discriminated individual pursuing for remedies must file a complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC ) within the period of prescription .

  28. 超过诉讼时效期间的债权债务处于法律不再调整的自然状态,自然状态下的债权人的债权或者权利人的权利在学理上被称为“裸体权利”。

    Claims and debts out of limitations of actions are beyond the legal regulation , and creditors ′ rights under such natural circumstances are known as " naked rights " in theory .

  29. 诉讼时效期间是诉讼时效制度中的一项重要内容,它直接关系到请求权人的权利能否继续获得法律强制保护的问题。

    The negative prescription period is an important content within the negative prescription system , it directly relate to the creditor 's right that if can continue to be protect by laws .

  30. 论海商法追偿时效期间第二个起算点的完善对《海商法》第257条追偿时效的修改建议

    Research on the Time-bar for Recourse Action in CMC ── And Suggestion of Modifying Art.257 of CMC Perfection of the Second Counting Point of the Limitation Period of Recourse Claim of CMC