
  • 网络Morale;work ethic;Spirit
  1. 一次痛快大笑能帮助你建立和睦、提高工作精神、在压力下工作时缓解紧张。

    A good laugh can help you build rapport , boost morale , and deflate tension when working under stressful situations .

  2. Chandola说,在行为和生理上出现的变化可能解释了为何工作精神压力会引起心脏疾病。

    Behavior and biological changes likely explain why stress at work causes heart disease , Chandola said .

  3. 耐心,仔细,起配角作用。具有强烈的团队工作精神。

    Patient , careful , supportive . Has strong team work spirit .

  4. 他们的工作精神使我感触颇深。

    What struck me was their spirit for the work .

  5. 富团队工作精神,能吃苦耐劳,组织观念强;

    Fu team work spirit , to cultures and organizations is strong ;

  6. 具备团队工作精神,能承受压力工作。

    Team work and be able to work under pressure .

  7. 为人沉稳自律;时刻保持严谨、专业且高效的工作精神;

    Well self-controled person with precise and professional work spirit ;

  8. 良好的团队工作精神。同时也要求具有独立工作的能力。

    Strong team work , but also ability to work independently when required .

  9. 不同职称护士工作精神压力来源的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of nurses ' psychological stressor in working in different professional title

  10. 能吃苦耐劳,富有团队工作精神;

    Hard worker and team-worker is preferable ;

  11. 具有强烈的团队工作精神。

    Has strong team work spirit .

  12. 其它要求:具有团队工作精神、愿意出差、身体状况良好以适应艰苦的工作。

    Others : with team work spirit , willing to travel , physically prepared for hard work .

  13. 让我们以最专业、最高效、最真诚的工作精神为您提供最优质的服务!

    Let 's provide you the best service in our most professional , effective and sincere spirit !

  14. 方法采用自行设计的工作精神压力事件及应对措施问卷对510名护士进行不记名问卷调查。

    Methods A specially designed questionnaire investigation was conducted in 510 nurses to assess psychic pressure events and appropriate coping measures were proposed .

  15. 本公司拥有奋发向上的团队及创新务实的工作精神,在市场经济大潮中奋力向前!

    This company has the team and the innovation practical work spirit which upliftings , forwards furiously in the market economy flood tide !

  16. 目的调查临床护士工作精神压力的来源及其应对措施,为寻找有效应对方式保障护士身心健康提供依据。

    Objective To provide nurses with a theoretical base to find effective measures to cope with psychic pressure events for maintenance of psychosomatic health .

  17. 强硬度能够让训导员在精准的竞赛训练中运用强制手段的优势,同时又不阻扰犬天性的工作精神。

    Hardness allows the trainer to use the advantages of compulsion for precise competitive training without hindering the natural working spirit of the dog .

  18. 团队工作精神:团队合作是我们的核心能力,我们有规范的内部运作体系,确保我们的搜寻小组在每一个工作任务中资源共享和协作。

    Team work spirits : teamwork is our heartbeat , our effective internal operation system ensures our search teams to share and collaborate during every search assignments .

  19. 市电话局的工作精神是立足中国,服务世界,讲究效益,信誉第一。

    The spirit of work of the municipal telephone Bureau is to take root in China and serve the world as a whole with efficiency and high prestige .

  20. 凭着健康医护专业人员公而忘私、努力不懈的工作精神,医院管理局确实提供了优质的医护服务,切合整个社会的需要。

    Through the selfless and dedicated efforts of health care professionals , the Hospital Authority has indeed provided quality patient care to meet the needs of the community as a whole .

  21. 文章作者进一步指出,室内沙滩浴场是非常耗水的项目,这与目前中国许多省份面临的抗旱工作精神相违背。而天津市也处于降雨量非常少的地区,应该更加具有节约用水的意识。

    The author further points out that the indoor beach , a large water-consuming project , goes against the spirit of fighting the severe drought experienced by many Chinese provinces this year .

  22. 让用户满意是我们的一贯宗旨,我们将以“质量第一,客户第一,信誉第一”的经营理念和工作精神,使佳旺五金生产的产品成为真正值得新老客户信赖的产品!

    We will make the " Jiawang hardware tools " becoming a really aliable brand with the notion of " first grade quality , best reputation , and customer is most importance " .

  23. 目的调查并分析不同职称护士工作精神压力的来源,寻找有效应对方式提高护理管理水平,保障临床护士身心健康。

    Objective To investigate and analyze the psychological stressors in working of nurses in different professional title , and explore effective countermeasures to improve the level of nursing management and ensure nurses ' physical and psychological heath .

  24. 我发现和这一部门的青年一起工作令人精神振奋。

    I find it'so refreshing to work with young people in this department .

  25. 大多数人对日本人拼命工作的精神都不陌生。

    Most people are familiar with the legendary Japanese work ethic .

  26. 谈企业的思想工作与精神产品

    On Ideological Work and " Spirit Product " in Enterprise

  27. 加强德育工作和精神文明建设;

    Strengthening ethical work and the building of spiritual civilization ;

  28. 服务战略全局建设创新型行业&解读交通部建设创新型交通行业工作会议精神

    MOC work meeting on constructing an innovative transport industry

  29. 根据省教育工作会议精神,这是完全可以做到的。

    It is absolutely feasible in the spirit of the Provincial Education Meeting .

  30. 懒惰滋生不满,而过度工作导致精神和身体的疲劳。

    Idleness spawns discontent , whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion .