
  1. 艺术品借展已经成为当代极为重要的文化交流方式。

    Art loans has become a very important way of cultural exchange in contemporary world .

  2. 口译作为一项重要的跨文化交流方式,已经逐渐发展成为一种职业,并在世界经济和文化交流中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Interpretation , as one of the most significant means of cross-culture communication , gradually developed into a widely accepted profession when economic and cultural communications and interactions are needed .

  3. 随着现代国际环境中的信息化进程的发展,口译,作为一项不可或缺的跨文化交流方式,已经慢慢发展成一种职业,并且在日益频繁的国际会议中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    With the development of globalization and informationalization , interpretation has become an indispensable method in cross-cultural communication , and it is now qualified as a profession . Interpretation plays an pivotal role in those increasingly frequent international conferences .

  4. 由于现代科技的迅速发展,文化交流的方式越来越便捷,各国间的文化交流也越来越频繁。

    Due to the rapid development of modern science and technology , ways of cultural exchange are more and more convenient , and cultural exchanges between the countries are more and more frequent .

  5. 法律移植是人类法律文化交流的重要方式。

    Law transplantation is the important way of culture of law .

  6. 文化背景和交流方式的不同导致交往双方经常发生各种冲突。

    Due to different cultural backgrounds , misunderstandings and conflicts are likely to take place during the communication process .

  7. 在文化交流的诸多方式中,血火方式是一种重要的方式。

    Of the modes of the cultural exchange , the " blood and fire " mode is a very important one .

  8. 电影作为跨文化交流最有效方式之一,越来越多地承担着跨文化传播的重任。

    Movies as one of the most effective way for cross-cultural communication take more and more important task to communicate the culture of each country .

  9. 旅游是文化交流的最好的方式。

    Tourism is the best way to communicate among people .

  10. 翻译是文化交流的一种方式,不同民族间的文化交流是不平等的。

    Translation is a kind of way of cultural exchange , which is unequal between different nations .

  11. 同时体育慈善也是进行国际体育文化交流的很好方式。

    In the mean time , sports charity is also a good way to international communication of sports cul-ture .

  12. 众所周之,电影电视是人类文化的重要载体和主要的文化交流方式。

    It is well known that movies and TV plays are the main carrier of human culture and the major channel of cultural exchange .

  13. 电影电视自其诞生之日就注定要成为人类文化的重要载体和主要的文化交流方式。

    Since the day when film and TV came into being , their advantages like wide distribution and easy to understand , have made them one of the most important carriers of culture and the main means of cross culture communication .

  14. 摘要文化贸易作为促进各国各民族文化交流的重要方式,被发达国家用来作为推进其强势文化的手段,导致发展中国家出现巨大的文化贸易逆差。

    Cultural trade is an important means to accelerate cultural communion all over the world , which is used by developed countries to advance their mainstream culture , so a lot of developing countries have unfavorable balances of cultural trade .

  15. 在中国文化外交实践过程中,传统戏剧交流这一对外文化交流方式,在改善国际关系状况、巩固国家之间关系、增进相互理解等方面发挥了重要作用。

    Chinese Traditional theatre as one of the cultural exchange methods plays an important role in the practices of Chinese cultural diplomacy . It helps to better the international situation , cement the countries ' relationship and enhance mutual understanding .