
  • 网络Renaissance man;uomo universale;renaissance men
  1. 他的兴趣非常广泛,就像达芬奇或米开朗琪罗一样,“文艺复兴人”(形容多才多艺的人)这个词实际上就是为他们这种人创造的。

    very wide-ranging interests , like Da Vinci or Michelangelo , the sort of guy for whom the term " Renaissance Man " was in fact created .

  2. 从文艺复兴人的发现到现代人文精神的反思&近现代西方人的问题研究的清理与总结

    The Study of Man in the West in the Modern Times : from the Discovery of Man in the Renaissance to the Current Reflection on Humanism

  3. 他的形象反映了文艺复兴时期人的多功能性。

    His image reflects the versatility of the man of Renaissance .

  4. 文艺复兴时期人的发现是西方人类自我认识的一次重大飞跃。

    Humankind found itself as a whole in the Renaissance and this was a major step in the human self realization .

  5. 前者概括了他对人在世界、存在面前无能为力的清明意识,是对西方文艺复兴以来人的自信观念的一种解构;

    The former sums up his sober consciousness of man 's helpless in front of the world and existence , and it also deconstructs the confidence in man 's power since Renaissance ;

  6. 近代的英国经验主义主要是对认识论的探讨和对主体自身进行反省和研究,而文艺复兴对人和理性的研究,就正是这种反省认识的萌芽和开端。

    Modern Britain empiricism mainly discuss epistemology and introspect and study the subject oneself of epistemology , and the research of people and rational in Renaissance , exactly the rudiment and the beginning that introspection know .

  7. 那天晚上我是一个文艺复兴时代的人。

    I was a man of the Renaissance that evening .

  8. 他是文艺复兴时期的人。

    He was a child of the Renaissance .

  9. 一般说来,文艺复兴时代的人在现代世界中是找不到的。

    For the most part , the Renaissance Man is not to be found in our modern world .

  10. 从理论上看,在西方哲学史上,尤其是文艺复兴以来,人一直是哲学家们关注的重要问题。

    Ideally , in the western philosophy history , specially from the renaissance , " being " is the important issue taken into account by many philosophers .

  11. 简而言之,里奥纳多是位空前绝后的天才,是“文艺复兴时期的人”的典型代表。“文艺复兴时期的人”是指那些不仅对每样事物都感兴趣而且还具备多种才能的人。

    In short , Leonardo was an extraordinary genius , an example of what has been described as " Renaissance man ": someone interested in everything and with many different talents .

  12. 她解释道;我们是文艺复兴的直接继承人。

    " We are the Renaissance 's direct inheritors ," she explains .

  13. 西欧从文艺复兴时期开始发现人、解放人,使人性觉醒。

    Renaissance in Western Europe started to discover man and relieve man , making the human nature awake .

  14. 别的不说,我真搞不懂,希望展出艺术馆早期文艺复兴时期绘画的人,为什么要在一个与那个时代总体精神格格不入的新画廊展出。

    Apart from anything else , it defeats me why anyone wishing to display the early Renaissance pictures belonging to the gallery should do so in a new gallery so manifestly at odds with the whole spirit of that age of astonishing proportion .