
  1. 一种基于FPGA的数字电视调制器硬件电路设计

    Hardware Design of Digital TV Modulator Based on FPGA

  2. 数字电视QAM调制器中PCR校正的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of PCR Correction in DTV QAM Modulator

  3. 数字电视VSB调制器中预均衡器的自适应算法

    An Adaptive Algorithm for Pre - equalizer in DTV VSB Modulator

  4. 从信号复包络理论出发,分析并提出了数字电视VSB调制器中预均衡网络的实现算法及其FPGA硬件实现结构。

    Based on the complex envelope theory , a pre equalizer algorithm and its hardware implementation architecture with FPGA was brought forwards and analyzed .

  5. 新型数字电视中频调制器

    New Digital TV IF Modulator