
  1. 这些统计数字说明不了什么问题。

    These statistics are not very meaningful .

  2. DebianGNU/Linux的成功可以通过以下数字说明。

    The success of Debian GNU / Linux can be illustrated by the following numbers .

  3. 这一大堆数字说明,在可预见的将来,中国不会让出发展中国家中在吸引FDI方面的头把交椅。

    What this barrage of numbers suggests is that China 's place at the very top of the league tables of inbound FDI among developing countries is not about to be vacated in the foreseeable future .

  4. 数字说明一切:据《广告牌》杂志统计,他们的首张EP《她看上去如此完美》于4月1日在美国发布第一周就以143000张的销量荣登广告牌专辑榜亚军,一路追赶迪士尼大片《冰雪奇缘》原声碟。

    The proof is in the numbers : their She Looks So Perfect EP nearly overtook Disney animation Frozen 's soundtrack on the Billboard album chart when it debuted in the US on April 1 , landing at No 2 and selling 143000 copies in its first week , according to Billboard magazine .

  5. 科学家们用数字说明了这个情况。

    Now scientists have attached some numbers to the situation .

  6. 最初的销售数字说明什么情况?

    M : What do the preliminary figures tell you ?

  7. 这些数字说明了问题的严重性。

    These figures indicate the depth of the predicament .

  8. 这些统计数字说明出口仍然不旺。

    These statistics show that exports are still low .

  9. 那么对于代码而言,这个数字说明了什么呢?

    What does this number say about the code ?

  10. 这一数字说明了为什么这些数据已被保密了这么久。

    That figure explains why this data has been kept secret for so long .

  11. 这些数字说明,我们非英语亚洲国家的差距还是很大的。

    This indicates that non-English-speaking Asian countries still have a long way to go .

  12. 他说:这个数字说明了一切。

    This number he says speaks for itself .

  13. 德科则通过引用统计数字说明,2007年12%的新婚夫妇上网。

    Decker explained through the quotation statistical figure that in200712 % newlyweds access the net .

  14. 这些数字说明,少数女性占据所有女性董事会职位的说法是不正确的。

    These figures suggest it is not true that the same few women hold all the board positions .

  15. 似乎是要突出皮雷的影响力,统计数字说明30岁的皮雷的传球次数是全队最多的。

    As if to underline Pires'influence , the statistics show that no Arsenal man played as many passes as the30-year-old .

  16. 相关数字说明一些西部地区拥有相对丰富的储蓄资源,但其分布并不平衡。

    Relevant data imply that there is relative rich saving resource in western area , but the allocation is unbalanced .

  17. 托福成绩对前往英语国家留学的人来说非常重要这些数字说明,我们非英语亚洲国家的差距还是很大的。

    TOEFL scores are important for students intending to study in English-speaking countries This indicates that non-English-speaking Asian countries still have a long way to go .

  18. 然而,这个庞大的预测数字说明,使用抛物线做出预测比使用直线趋势做出预测必须更加慎重。

    This extraordinarily large forecast suggests , however , that we must be more careful in forecasting with a parabolic curve than we are when using a linear trend .

  19. 当问及此问题上升到国家层面的严重性时,他说还没有官方的数字说明有多少人因此生病或死亡。

    When asked about the seriousness of the problem on the national level , he says no authoritative figures are available regarding how many people have been sickened or killed .

  20. 这些集团在引用原始财政数字说明政府更加关注技术而不是关注其人民时显得非常具有煽动性,因为这些数字表面上看确实如此。

    These groups are very vocal in quoting raw financial numbers that on the surface do seem to make it appear that the government cares more about technology than its people .

  21. 本文以一组数字说明当前世界经济中服务业的发展,尤其是以专业服务公司为代表的知识型服务业的发展。

    Based on a group of data , the author discusses the development of service in the world economy , especially the development of the intellectual service represented by professional firms .

  22. 这两个数字说明,无论是绝对量还是相对量,目前河南区域物流对区域经济的拉动作用都是很明显的。

    The two digit show that the drawing function of the He-Nan region logistics to regional economic is very obvious at present regardless of being the absolute value or the relative quantity .

  23. 权且用一项统计数字说明,美国大学里,来自收入最低四分之一家庭的学生所占比例,与上一代人相比已有所下降,而来自最富裕家庭的比例则提高了。

    Take just one statistic : the share of US college students that comes from families in the lowest quartile has fallen over the last generation while that from the richest has increased .

  24. 但这三位研究人员的数字说明,除非电磁技术发生突破(例如发现某种室温超导体),全世界的地质工作者还是现在就开始掘地三尺,全球搜寻稀土矿为妙。

    But barring a breakthrough in magnet technology ( the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor , for example ) the three researchers ' figures suggest that the world 's geologists would do well to start scouring the planet for rare-earth ores now .

  25. 符号推导和符号运算借助于计算机代数系统REDUCE完成,并给出一个数字实例说明这种方法。

    Symbolic derivation and symbolic computation are implemented by using computer algebraic system REDUCE . A numerical example is given to illustrate the method .

  26. 从预测控制的基本原理出发,利用串级控制的结构,将预测控制和PID控制结合,实现了动态矩阵预测-PID串级控制,并通过数字仿真说明其良好的控制效果。

    Based on the forecast control basic principle , the use cascade control structure , forecast the control and the PID control union , the dynamic matrix forecast-PID cascade control is realized , and its good control effect through the digital simulation is explained .

  27. 但是,数字仅仅说明了问题的一部分。

    However , numbers only tell part of any story .

  28. 我来列举几个数字来说明这一点。

    Let me give you a few figures to illustrate the point .

  29. 我要用一些数字来说明这意味着什么。

    Let me give you some numbers to illustrate what this means .

  30. 他们必须对这个数字进行说明。

    That is the number they have to justify .