
  • 网络digital recording;digital record
  1. 基于USB主机结构的数字录音技术研究

    Research on Digital Recording Technology Based on USB Host

  2. 你说想让我来补救一个数字录音。

    You said you wanted me to salvage a digital recording .

  3. 利用VoIP技术构建企业级分布式数字录音系统

    Using VoIP technology to construct enterprise distributed digital voice recording system

  4. 浅谈MD数字录音机在电台的应用

    Application of Minidisk Recorder in Radio Station

  5. 数字录音技术就像我们编辑WORD文档那样简单,进行复制、贴、减、合,实现了无损编辑。

    The digital sound recording technology looks like us to edit the WORD documents to be such simple , makes the copy , the glue , the deletion , the conformity , has realized the lossless edition .

  6. 基于TPC-H实验系统实现数字录音机的设计

    The Design of Digital Recordor Based on TPC-H-Experiment System

  7. TBC的数字录音器开始录音,录音时间从电话振铃起到呼叫结束自动停止。

    TBC 's digital recorder will begin recording from the time the phone rings and stop automatically when the call is finished .

  8. 从模拟录音机到数字录音机

    From Analog Audio Tape recorder to Digital Audio Tape re cordcr

  9. 数字录音声带的声音的质量的确出色。

    The quality of sound from a digital recording is truly excellent .

  10. 嵌入式数字录音中背景噪声抑制方法研究

    Research on Background Noise Suppression Method of Embedded Digital Recording

  11. 电话实时数字录音信息管理系统的设计与实现

    The Realization and Design of Information Management System in Telephone Real-time Digital Recording

  12. 这种数字录音器能追踪人们的互动行为,包括对话。

    The digital voice recorder tracks people 's interactions , including their conversations .

  13. 调度用数字录音系统中的语音压缩技术

    Voice Compression Technology in Digital Recording System of Dispatch

  14. 自制多媒体数字录音编辑系统

    Independently Developed Digital Multimedia Recording and Editing System

  15. 数字录音机及其新进展

    Digital Audio Recorder and Its New Development

  16. 基于SHT-8A/PCI型语音卡的电话数字录音系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Digital Record System by Using SHT-8A / PCI Phone Sound Card

  17. 从现场立体声到数字录音

    From Live Stereo To Digital Recording

  18. 本文介绍了一个采用数字录音方法研制的多路音响模拟装置。

    In this paper , multiple sound simulation device designed by means of digital record is introduced .

  19. 一种以三菱公司的3802单片机为中心控制与数字录音技术相结合的立体声复读机的研制。

    This paper describes the design and implementation of a stereo repeater using a 3802 single-chip microcomputer by Mitsubishi as its central control .

  20. 文章还简要地讨论了盒式录音机和数字录音机在广播中应用的前景。

    The paper also gives a brief discussion about the possibility of the application of the cassette tape recorder and digital tape recorder in broadcastings .

  21. 这款独立操作的数字录音设备还可以用作摄像机的外接立体声麦克风,用一个选配的热插拔底座就可以与摄像机实现连接。

    This stand-alone digital recorder also functions as a stereo external mic for a video camera , and can be attached using an optional hot-shoe mount .

  22. 介绍了一种新型电网调度多通道数字录音系统DRS&32。

    A new digital multi-channel phone recording system for power dispatch , named DRS-32 . has been described . DRS-32 combines the advanced technique of multimedia audio compression .

  23. 本文分析了现代数字录音机的特点,介绍了各种格式的数字录音机,指出了数字录音机的新进展及发展趋势。

    This paper analyzes the features of modern digital . audio recorder , introduces the digital recorders with different forms , and points out the new development and trend of digital audio recorder .

  24. 基于微机的数字录音系统通常是较为复杂的多路语音监控系统,成本比较高,也不太适合上面讨论的这些场合。

    Digital recording system based on the microcomputer usually belongs to the complicated multi-channel monitoring and controlling of speech system , so the cost is relatively high and is not fitted to the occasions discussed above .

  25. 有段时间,我一直在摆弄我的数字录音机,他忍不住开玩笑说它肯定是英国制造。这是对人们有时取笑中国制造的产品质量的反驳。

    I struggle with my digital recorder for a minute and he can 't resist a joke – It must be British-made – a rebuttal of the cracks people sometimes make about the quality of Chinese-made products .

  26. 为了减少机车作业背景下数字录音的数据量,在分析比较噪声和语音特性的基础上,采用滤波法、能量法与自相关函数法三者相结合的方法,实现了一种背景噪声抑制方案。

    In order to reduce the amount of background noise data within the period of locomotive running , the dissertation tests an algorithm of combining filtering method , energy method and auto correlation function method , achieves a better result of background noise suppression .

  27. 针对E系列程控交换机不能满足用户录音通知要求的问题,J系列程控交换机中新增加了DIAM(数字综合录音通知模块)。

    In view of the problem that E family SPC can not fulfill the requirement of announcement for customers , J family SPC adds digital integrated announcement module ( DIAM ) .

  28. 数字信号录音技术在120指挥调度系统中的应用研究

    Application of digital signal recording system in " 120 " First-Aid Call Center

  29. HDX2000数字硬盘录音播出系统的应用与开发

    Application and Developing of HDX 2000 Digital Disk-recording-broadcasting System

  30. 数字光盘录音

    Digital disc audio recording