
  • 网络educational software;education software;hongwen.com
  1. 我们出售各种教育软件。

    We carry a range of educational software .

  2. 用flash制作交互式远程教育软件

    Make Interactive Distance Educational Software with FLASH

  3. 远程教育软件中Web数据库技术研究与实现

    The Study and Realization of Web Database Technologies in Remote Courseware

  4. 基于Internet的信号与系统远程教育软件的实现

    Implementation of the Signal and System Remote Teaching Software Based on Internet

  5. 基于Web的虚拟现实图学教育软件的开发技术

    The developing technique of virtual reality of graphics education software based on Web

  6. VRML在图学教育软件中的应用技术

    The Application Technology of VRML to Distant Graphic Education Software

  7. VR技术在防震安全教育软件开发中的应用研究

    Research on the application of virtual reality to developing a software for earthquake safety education

  8. 本文开发了一个教育软件&基于WEB的工程力学动态可控受力分析系统。该系统主要用于工程力学课程受力分析部分的计算机辅助教学。

    The main job of this thesis is to complete the design of educational software , active and controllable system of force analysis basing on Web , which will be used to assist teaching by computer .

  9. 基于教育软件开发用途的AS2事件机制分析

    Analysis of AS2 Event Mechanism Based on Education Software Development

  10. 地震科技信息开发利用与发展对策探讨VR技术在防震安全教育软件开发中的应用研究

    The Application and Development Strategy of Seismological Science Technological Information Research on the application of virtual reality to developing a software for earthquake safety education

  11. 基于XNA的儿童火警急救常识培养的教育软件实现

    The Realization of XNA-based Educational Software Base About Child Fire-alarm First Aid General Knowledge

  12. 苹果公司已经引入了三种教育软件,好让iPad适应课堂环境:一种是称为iBook2的更新版在线书店,学生可在这里下载更多的互动教材;

    Apple has already introduced three types of educational software intended to make the iPad a fixture in the classroom : an updated electronic bookstore called iBooks 2 that allows students to download more interactive textbooks ;

  13. 本文论述了计算机支持环境在教育软件开发中的重要性,描述了什么是教育软件支持环境ESSE,同时勾勒了一个ESSE的模型。

    This thesis discusses how important the computer support environment is in educational software development . It describes what the EESE ( Educational Software Support Environment ) is and outlines the model environment of ESSE , with a view to discussing with our readers .

  14. 2009年,麦格劳希尔集团(McGraw-Hill)与齐格网建立合作关系。周二,霍顿-米夫林哈考特集团(HoughtonMifflinHarcourt)也宣布与教育软件公司Kno合作,以每本9.99美元甚至更低的价格提供为期一年的学校教科书数字租赁服务。

    McGraw-Hill and Chegg announced a partnership in 2009 , and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced a deal on Tuesday with Kno , an education software company , offering year-long digital rentals of school texts for $ 9.99 or less per book .

  15. 于是,Cadwell老师在自己的浏览器上调出了Khan教育软件,它可以通过网络即时传输孩子们的学习数据,这样她就可以看到整个课堂或者每一个学生的信息。

    So Ms Cadwell , in her own web browser , pulls up a dashboard where KhanAcademy 's software presents , through the internet , the data the children are producing at that instant . She can view information for the entire class or any individual pupil .

  16. 教育软件预展图书馆〔信息科技教育资源中心〕

    Education software preview library [ Information Technology Education Resources Centre ]

  17. 现代远程教育软件内涵初探

    Elemental study about the connotation of the modern distance instructional software

  18. 教育软件企业的供应链管理初探

    Research and application of education software in the supply chain management

  19. 教育软件层次三角质量建模与分析

    Modeling and Analysis for the Educational Software Quality Hierarchy Triangle

  20. 计算机基础教育软件需求调查与分析

    An Investigation on the Requirements for Computer Foundation Education Software

  21. 美英两国教育软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Educational Software in USA and UK

  22. 网络教育软件必须越来越社会化、即时化和趣味化。

    Online educational software must become more social and immediate and fun .

  23. 多媒体教育软件中化学符号的录入和理解

    Input and Comprehension for Chemical Symbol in Multimedia Education Software

  24. 用虚拟现实语言开发远程图学教育软件

    Developing Remote Graphics Education Software with Virtual Reality Modeling Language

  25. 我国教育软件价值评测研究

    Testing and Evaluation Research on Educational Software Value in China

  26. 心理素质教育软件开发与实验研究

    The Theoretical and Experimental Research of Computer Software of Psychological Quality Education

  27. 基于端到端架构的教育软件互操作方案

    A Solution for Education Software Interoperability on the Basis of End-to-end Architecture

  28. 如何提高中小学计算机辅助教育软件质量

    How to Improve the Quality of CAI Software in Elementary and Secondary Education

  29. 教育软件包括课程类软件和学习类软件。

    Education software includes course software and learning software .

  30. 中国教育软件发展的过去、现在和未来

    The Past , Present and Future of Development of Educational Software in China