
  • 网络education
  1. 教师专业化实践的困境与教师教育学科理论的生长

    Practical Predicament of Teacher Specialization and Developing Subject of Teacher Education

  2. 近年来思想政治教育学科理论研究述评

    Summary of Recent Theoretical Research in Courses of Ideological and Political Education

  3. 关于旅游教育学科类归属问题的探讨

    A Discussion on the Classification of the Discipline of Tourism Pedagogy

  4. 思想政治教育学科建设论思想政治教育学科建设的现实理路

    Practical Thoughts for the Discipline Construction of Ideological and Political Education

  5. 开放的发展领域&后现代视阈中的高等教育学科

    An open research field & Higher education in postmodernism perspective

  6. 经济发展与高等教育学科结构关系的模型研究

    A model of relation between economic development and subject structure of higher education

  7. 学位与研究生教育学科文献保障体系评价

    Literature for Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Evaluation System

  8. 比较教育学科理论问题仍是一个颇具挑战性的论题。

    The subject theory of comparative education is still a somewhat challenging topic .

  9. 关于教师教育学科构建的理性思考

    Logic Thoughts on the Establishment of Teacher Education Discipline

  10. 关于数学教育学科课程设置的一些思考

    Some Thoughts on the Mathematical Education Courses Offered in the Teacher 's College

  11. 艺术设计教育学科课程设置的回顾与现状

    Review and Current Status of Art Design Education Curriculum

  12. 建立了独立的审美教育学科;

    Initiating an independent place of aesthetic education ;

  13. 思想政治教育学科理论体系创新研究

    The Innovation Research of the Discipline Theory Construction of the Ideological and Political Education

  14. 我国农业工程教育学科设置探讨

    The Discussion of Course in Agricultural Engineering Education

  15. 实践意义上的职业教育学科包括学科分类、研究项目和学科平台。

    Practically , vocational pedagogy includes learning category , research project and disciplinary platform .

  16. 关注前沿推进创新&关于高等教育学科前沿的几个问题

    Focusing on frontier science promoting the innovation & Some leading problems in higher education

  17. 关于我国家庭教育学科体系构建与发展的思考

    On the Construction and Development of The Discipline System of home Education in China

  18. 谈素质教育学科目标体系的构建

    On Building an Objective System to Quality-Oriented Education

  19. 中美研究型大学教育学科建设的比较研究中美研究型大学通识教育比较研究与建议

    Comparative Study on the Construction of Education Discipline between Chinese and America Research Universities

  20. 比较教育学科的发展大致可以划分为三个阶段。

    The development of comparative education discipline can be roughly divided into three stages .

  21. 职技高师教育学科课程体系的建构

    The construction of curriculum system of education discipline of high occupational and technical normal college

  22. 当代职业教育学科经历了恢复、成长和反思三个时期。

    The modern vocational pedagogy experienced three stages which are recovery , growth and reflection .

  23. 浅议教育学科课程的标准化和个性化

    On Standardization and Individualization of Education Discipline

  24. 音乐教育学科研究的理论基础是心理学、社会学和哲学。

    The theory of music education based on interdisciplinary research in psychology , sociology and philosophy .

  25. 近代教会大学教育学科的建立与发展

    The establishment and development of the pedagogy at the Christian colleges of the modern ages of China

  26. 依附、借鉴、创新?&中国高等教育学科建设之路

    Dependency , Reference , Innovation ? & The Road to Constructing the Discipline of China 's Higher Education

  27. 并附以武汉理工大学为个案,进行案例分析。期望对我国理工科大学的公共艺术教育学科建设有参考价值。

    The author expects the paper had the reference value for public art education in science and technology universities .

  28. 新的认知理论强调教师在教学中的自主建构;强调任教学科与教育学科的融合;

    The new cognitive idea emphasizes personal construction during teaching , the amalgamation of teaching subject and pedagogic subject .

  29. 对远程教育学科定位问题、交互影响距离理论也应该有新的认识。

    In addition , we should have new understanding to the orientation of discipline and the theory of transactional distance .

  30. 目前教师专业化实践的困境,恰恰是教师教育学科理论生长的条件。

    Currently the predicament of teacher specialization is just the theoretical condition for the development of the subject of teacher education .