
  • 网络educational television programmes
  1. 香港电台负责制作学校教育电视节目,成立教育电视中心。

    RTHK set up Educational Television Unit , producing educational television programmes for schools .

  2. 教育电视节目制作中基于PC平台后期合成软件的比较研究

    Compare Study about the Post-composite Software Based on PC Platform in ETV Program Production

  3. 基于CG技术的教育电视节目创作探究

    Research on Education TV Programs Creation Based on CG Technology

  4. 教育电视节目编导人才的视觉素养培养途径探析

    On Visual Accomplishment Training for Educational TV Program Editing and Directing Talents

  5. 教育电视节目中动画的创作

    Production of moving picture in educational TV program

  6. 他喜欢看教育电视节目。

    He likes watching educational TV programs .

  7. 分析了本科、专科“教育电视节目制作”课程的培养目标。

    Analyzed the cultivating purpose of the educational TV program making curriculum of regular college and special college .

  8. 本文认为,就教育电视节目和儿童电视视觉注意的关系来讲,儿童是占据主动地位的。

    The author believes that children are active in the relationship between educational TV programs and their visual attention to the television .

  9. 从多方面看,《天线宝宝》等很多儿童教育电视节目对儿童生理上造成的伤害与暴力游戏几乎没有区别。

    In many ways Teletubbies , or any other educational program for children , could be as physiologically damaging as a violent video game .

  10. 电视还有其他节目类型。教育电视节目为公共广播网和学校闭路传输系统提供节目。

    There are other forms too . The educational television are providing services through the public broadcasting networks and through closed-circuit transmissions within school systems .

  11. 他们发现日常经历位于科学学习的中心地位&例如有强有力的证据表明教育电视节目具有影响力。

    They found that everyday experiences lie at the heart of science learning & for example there is strong evidence that educational television is influential .

  12. 创意无限的虚拟演播室是一项崭新的技术,它在电视节目制作中具有传统演播室无法达到的功能和优势,应用在教育电视节目制作中将会有广阔的前景。

    The virtual studio of unlimited creativity is new technique which has functions and advantages that surpasses the traditional studio in TV Programming and the application of the technology will bring a great prospect in the educational TV programming in the future .

  13. 世界上有不少学校可以给到你成为木偶戏专家的机会。虽然你的目标并不是在芝麻街(美国幼儿教育电视节目)工作这种,不过我们都说不好这专业可以给你带来多少好处哦。

    Several schools around the world offer you the chance to become an expert on puppet shows , though if your goal isn 't to , say , work on Sesame Street we 're not sure how much good this one will do you 。

  14. 我喜欢那些既使观众得到娱乐又使观众受到教育的电视节目

    I like those TV programs which enlighten a viewer as well as entertain him

  15. 那位苏格兰喜剧演员很受观众欢迎。我喜欢那些既使观众得到娱乐又使观众受到教育的电视节目

    The Scottish comedian went down a bomb with the audience . I like those TV programs which enlighten a viewer as well as entertain him

  16. 儿科医生说,没有证据能够表明,现在市场上销售的针对两岁以下儿童的教育类电视节目能够促进儿童智力和社会性的发展,因为孩子们根本看不懂这些节目。

    Paediatricians say there is " no evidence " that television programmes for the under-twos , marketed as educational , actually help them intellectually or socially , because they simply cannot understand them .

  17. 他补充道,西开普省卫生局正要推出“BoozaTV”,这是今年一个帮助向人们开展有关酒精滥用教育的电视系列节目。

    He adds that the Western Cape Department of Health is launching " Booza TV ", a television series this year to help educate people about alcohol abuse .

  18. 纪录片是有教育意义的电视(节目),我刚看了一部有关二战的纪录片。

    Documentaries are educational television ans just now I watched a good documentary about World War2 .