
  • 网络graphic design;Advertising Design
  1. 世界平面广告设计精选&银行金融保险类

    Selection of International Graphic Design of Bank , Finance and Insurance Category

  2. 世界平面广告设计精选&特殊招贴广告类

    World Graphic Design Selection of Advertisement & Category of Special POP

  3. 流行元素在平面广告设计中的应用研究

    " Popular Element " in Plane Advertisement Design Applied Research

  4. 世界平面广告设计精选&商业公共服务类

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Category of Commercial Public Service

  5. 论平面广告设计中的产品氛围

    On the " Product Atmosphere " in Graphic Ad Design

  6. 世界平面广告设计精选&家庭用品类

    Selection of World Graphic Design for Advertisement & Household Objects

  7. 世界平面广告设计精选&Absolut20年专辑

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Special Collection for Absolut 20

  8. 平面广告设计艺术探析

    A Tentative probe into the design art of plane ads

  9. 世界平面广告设计精选&药品及医疗保健品类

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Category of Medicine and Health Care

  10. 平面广告设计的科学性与艺术性

    Scientific and Artistic Quality of Plane Design in Advertisement

  11. 第二章主要是概述平面广告设计与剪纸艺术概述。

    The second chapter is about the summary of plane design and paper-cut .

  12. 世界平面广告设计精选&交通工具类

    Exquisite Selection of World Graphic Design of Advertisement

  13. 符号学在平面广告设计中的运用

    Application of Semeiology in Graphic Advertisement Design

  14. 平面广告设计课程教学初探

    On the Teaching of Plane Ad Design

  15. 并结合实例进一步分析了书法元素应用于平面广告设计的原则及方法。

    And it analyses the principles and methods of utilization about calligraphy to adverting design .

  16. 平面广告设计的创意

    The Originality of Plane Advertisement Design

  17. 汉字是国内平面广告设计的重要元素。

    The design of Chinese character is an important element of graphic advertisement design in China .

  18. 事实上,文字的设计与安排在平面广告设计中既有传递信息的直观作用,还有思维导向和图形符号表意的作用。

    In fact , the design and arrangement of characters can both convey informations and direct thinking .

  19. 平面广告设计也不例外。因此,在这个新形势下,对广告设计提出了新的要求。

    Graphic design poster is no exception . Therefore , in this new situation , the advertising design .

  20. 鉴于此,本文就针对平面广告设计的诱导问题进行探讨与研究。

    In view of this , this article on the design of print ads aimed at inducing questions to explore and research .

  21. 在综合性大学中,传统的平面广告设计教学方式无法很好地解决学生的设计实践问题。

    In the integrated university , the traditional teaching method of graphic advertisement design may not solve students'practical problems on designing perfectly .

  22. 平面广告设计所传达的整体信息,由两种不同结构的符号担负着:即文字和图形。

    Characters and Graphics , two different structural signals , were used for expressing all of the information the graphic advertisement design conveyed .

  23. 平面广告设计中,文字的作用和设计方法容易被忽视。

    In the design of two dimensional advertisements , the functions of characters and methods of design are always easy to be neglected .

  24. 将语境理论引入平面广告设计领域,指出要实现平面广告设计信息的有效传达,被理解的广告语境是一个关键因素。

    It was proposed that advertisement context is the key factor to make advertising information understood and spread effectively through introducing context to plane advertisement design .

  25. 第六章为结论,总结各章的主要观点,并得出隐喻在平面广告设计中不仅是一种设计方法,同时也是我们进行创意设计的思维基础。

    The sixth part is the conclusion of the paper . Metaphor not only in the graphic design is a design , but also our creative design thinking .

  26. 第二章为本文理论支撑部分,主要论述了修辞学与现代认知学对隐喻本质、特征等方面的研究,以及与平面广告设计的相关内容。

    The second part is the theoretical background of the study , mainly discussing nature and characteristics of metaphor and the relationship between metaphor and print advertisement design .

  27. 无论是品牌形象、平面广告设计或者公司名片,原则都是一样-必须有吸引力、独特和令人难忘。

    Whether it is Brand Identity , Advertising , Graphic Design or Business Card Design , the principals are the same-it must be attractive , unique and memorable .

  28. 在今天在这里分析一下创意这个词在各类平面广告设计当中的含义,作为创意就是打破传统,打破常规的一门哲学学科;

    Here today analysis of the creative word meanings in various designs , as the idea is to break the tradition , to break the routine of a philosophical discipline ;

  29. 通过以上三个部分对平面广告设计的诱导问题进行研究,希望可以为平面广告的实践起到一定的理论指导作用。

    Through the above-mentioned three parts of print ads designed to study the problem induced by the hope of print ads for the practice of the theory must play a guiding role .

  30. 平面广告设计作品作为视觉传达的载体,承担着传播信息的重任。平面广告设计无疑是一种站在时代的风口浪尖上的文化现象。

    As a carrier for visual transmission , plane advertisement design works undertake the task of conveying information , thus plane advertisement design is undoubtedly a cultural phenomenon that stands high in the epoch .