
  • 网络doctor of education;edd;Ed.D.;Ed.D;Education Doctorate
  1. 教育博士(Ed.D)是专业教育博士(ProfessionalDoctorateinEducation)的缩写,是一种专业博士学位,是在教育学这个学科上的高级专业学位,其目的是培养实践导向的教育类高级专门人才。

    Ed.D. & the abbreviation of Professional Doctorate in Education , is a professional doctorate . It is an advanced professional degree in the field of education , aiming to cultivate the practice-oriented senior specialized talents of education .

  2. 引进的《学习障碍评价量表》(学校版)由美国教育博士StephenB.MeCarney1996年修订完成。

    The introduced Learning Disability Evaluation Scale ( school version ) was developed by Ed Dr. Stephen B. McCarney .

  3. 关于澳大利亚若干大学教育博士培养工作的思考

    Some Thoughts on the Programs of Doctor in Education in Several Australian Universities

  4. 关于设置教育博士专业学位的政策建议

    Considering on the policy suggestion of setting up professional doctor degree of education

  5. 美国数学教育博士专业介绍与思考

    Reflection on Reform of Mathematics Education Doctoral Program

  6. 最早设置教育博士专业学位的国家是美国,它也是教育博士专业学位教育发展最先进的国家。

    The United States is the earliest country which set Professional Doctorate in Education and also the most developed country of Ed.D. .

  7. 通过本篇论文,可以使我们进一步了解美国教育博士专业学位在发展与改革中的经验和教训,这对于我国教育博士专业学位的发展,有一定的借鉴和指导意义。

    Through the research , we can further learn about the experience and lesson from the development and reform of the United States professional doctorate in education .

  8. “非常简单的答案是,不需太多。”美国国立卫生研究院饮食补充办公室科学顾问教育学博士兼注册营养师PaulThomas说。

    " The fairly simple answer is , not much ," says Paul Thomas , EdD , RD , scientific consultant with the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements .

  9. 1991年密苏里大学,艺术教育,博士。

    1991 ph.d.art education university of missouri .

  10. 第三次是2006年天津大学创立职业教育学博士点。

    In2006 , the third time was that Tianjin university founded a doctor station of vocational education .

  11. 本文是国家教育部博士点基金项目“粘性流体在叶片泵内的流动机理研究”的一部分。

    The dissertation is part of the Doctoral Scientific Fund Project of the Ministry of Education of China .

  12. 因为你受过如此该死的教育,博士,我知道你肯定不会太聪明。

    Because you are so goddamned educated , Doctor , I know you couldn 't be very smart .

  13. 她已经获得了哈佛大学的教育学博士,并最终脱离的福利。

    She has gained her master 's degree form Harvard 's Scholl of Education and is finally off welfare .

  14. 这位接受过哈佛教育的博士表示4-7-8这种技巧是非常有用的,因为它能让氧气更好的进入肺部。

    The Harvard-trained doctor claims that 4-7-8 is such a powerful technique because it allows oxygen to better fill the lungs .

  15. 在刊登在《北京晚报》上的一篇报道中,来自北京的教育学博士侯正方就军训有益与否这个问题提出质疑。

    In a report by Beijing Evening News , Hou Zhengfang , a Beijing-based education PhD , questioned the benefits of military training .

  16. 高等教育学博士研究生学位论文是高等教育学专业博士研究生教育的重要培养成果,同时还是高等教育学博士研究生教育质量的表现载体之一。

    The doctoral dissertation of higher education is the important profit of higher education professional doctoral education and carrier in the quality of graduate education .

  17. 国家竞争的实质是创新能力的竞争和创新人才的竞争,创新能力的提升和创新人才的培养也愈加依赖于高层次教育,博士生教育便成为重要的平台之一。

    The innovation improvement and cultivation of innovative talents are also increasingly relying on high levels of education . The doctoral education is one of the important platforms .

  18. 本课题为教育部博士点基金项目电网谐波抑制技术的研究(20101402120004)的组成部分,是针对电网中日益严重的谐波污染问题提出的。

    This study is a part of the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education ( 20101402120004 ) . It is proposed on the growing problem of harmonic pollution in the power grid .

  19. 本文力求如实反映高等教育学博士学位论文的现状,了解厦门大学高等教育学专业的博士研究生对专业基础知识的掌握情况、科研能力、学术水平、科研态度及高等教育学的学科发展水平。

    We try to reflect the situation of higher education professional doctoral students based on the professional knowledge in Xiamen University , research capability , academic standards , scientific attitude and development level of Higher Education discipline .

  20. 国家传感器科技攻关和技术发展结合国家863计划项目、国防973项目和教育部博士点基金项目,研究了有限样本下基于机器学习的高维多光谱数据分类问题。

    The theories and methods for high dimensional multispectral data classification with limited training samples are studied , which are parts of important research contents of National 863 Hi-Tech , 973 Project and Ministry of Education PhD Fund .

  21. 本文得到国家自然科学基金项目(9030401860672137),教育部博士点基金项目(20060497015)和湖北省自然科学基金项目(2004ABA043)的资助。

    This dissertation is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 90304018 , 60672137 , the Doctoral Program Foundation of Ministry of Education of China under Grant 20060497015 and the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province ( No. 2004 ABA043 ) .

  22. SFSU在115个学科领域可授予学士学位,97个学科可颁发硕士学位,此外还设有教育领导专业博士级别课程。

    SFSU awards Bachelor 's degrees in115 areas , Master 's in97 , and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership .

  23. 沟通与创新:首届教育技术学博士论坛之印象

    Communication and Innovation : Impression of the First Doctorate Forum on Educational Technology

  24. 布朗先生生于1951年,在爱丁堡大学接受教育并获得博士学位。

    Mr Brown was born in1951 and educated at Edinburgh University where he gained a doctorate .

  25. 我正在曼彻斯特大学教育学院攻读博士学位。

    I am now doing my Ph.D Programme in the School of Education , University of Manchester .

  26. 我国高校博士教育扩散、博士质量分布与质量保障:制度主义视角

    Expansion of Doctoral Education , Quality Distribution and Quality Assurance of Doctorate in Chinese Universities : A Perspective of the Institutionalism

  27. 和该基金会合作的神经科学家和教育专家保罗霍华德琼斯博士对这一和网络和社会相关的调查进行了分析研究。

    The Trust worked with neuroscience and education expert Dr Paul Howard Jones , who analysed research on the internet and society .

  28. 21世纪初,领导教育学专业博士点的设置,标志着领导教育学作为一门学科的诞生。

    At the beginning of 21st century , the professional establishment of doctoral empowerment of leadership pedagogy indicated the birth of leadership pedagogy as a discipline .

  29. 磁共振扩散张量成像评价轻度认知障碍患者的脑白质变化我国高校博士教育扩散、博士质量分布与质量保障:制度主义视角

    Diffusion tensor imaging evaluation of white matter alternations in patients with mild cognitive impairment Expansion of Doctoral Education , Quality Distribution and Quality Assurance of Doctorate in Chinese Universities : A Perspective of the Institutionalism

  30. 他受过更高的教育,拥有化学博士学位。

    He is more highly educated , with a PhD in Chemistry .