
jiào yù jiè
  • educational circles;educational world
教育界[jiào yù jiè]
  1. 测试医学毕业生能否达到质量标准,有多种考试方法,其中,客观结构化临床考试(objectivestructuredclinicalexamination,简称OSCE),作为一种评价医学生临床能力的现代方法得到国内外医学教育界的广泛关注。

    There are many methods to test whether the medical graduates are qualified . Objective Structured Clinical Examination ( OSCE ) has been paid close attention in the medical educational circles as a method to assess the clinical competence of medical students .

  2. 国民政府的这一方针得到教育界人士的认同。

    This policy gained the agreement from the educational circles .

  3. 教育界与产业界之间应该有更紧密的联系。

    There should be closer links between education and industry .

  4. 教育界又恢复了传统教学法。

    In education , the pendulum has swung back to traditional teaching methods .

  5. 伦敦两所高校的举动给高等教育界带来了深远的影响。

    The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education .

  6. 这只需要改变教育界的思维方式。

    It would just require a shift in the education world 's mindset .

  7. 尽管杜威、蒙台梭利、柏拉图和亚里士多德以及美国思想家拉尔夫·爱默生很早以前都曾提岀过经验和自力更生的价值观念,但是在实践中学习的理念难以成为教育界的主流。

    Ideas about learning by doing have struggled to become mainstream educationally , despite being old concepts from Dewey and Montessori , Plato and Aristotle , and in the American Contcxt , Ralph Emerson , on the value of experience and self-reliance .

  8. 除此之外,提供技能和就业培训的职业课程在印度教育界越来越受欢迎。

    Apart from that , the Indian educational sector1 is seeing a rise in the popularity of vocational courses among students who are seeking skill-training and job-oriented courses .

  9. SAT考试在20世纪90年代开始由于各种来自社会和教育界内部的压力而进行反思并改革,新的SAT考试从2005年开始施行。

    The SAT began to reflect and reform due to various pressures from the society and educational world in the 1990s , the new SAT came into effect in 2005 .

  10. 由于simplex算法的出现,线性编程已经在工业界、银行界、教育界、林业、石油行业以及运输业界中广泛地用来解决优化问题。

    Since the development of the simplex algorithm , linear programming has been used to solve optimization problems in industries as diverse as banking , education , forestry , petroleum , and trucking .

  11. 尽管目前我国的科学教育界已经意识到STS教育运动将对科学教育改革产生重大的影响,但却缺少对STS教育深层次研究和探讨。

    Although some science educators have recognized that STS education movement will make great influences on science , education reform in China , they has not made more deeply study and exploration on it .

  12. 校本(school-base)早在上个世纪初60-70年代就为欧美等国教育界所关注与探索。

    The school-based teaching and research was noticed and explored as early as the 1960s-1970s by the educationist in America and some other European countries .

  13. 当年“旅行者号”(Sputnik)人造卫星的发射在美国教育界引起了一场地震,因为它让我们有理由相信苏联已经跑在前面。53年过后,中国又给我们带来新的震动。

    Fifty-three years after Sputnik caused an earthquake in American education by giving us reason to believe that the Soviet Union had surpassed us , China has delivered another shock .

  14. 奇怪的是,教育界两个景象迥异的学校垂柳依依的剑桥和建筑前卫的UEL都是政府扶植的对象。

    Curiously , both images of education-the weeping willows of Cambridge and the futuristic architecture of UEL-are cherished by the government .

  15. 作为一项已经成熟的工业技术,它也日益引起了教育界的关注。从知名的NSSS供应商引进先进,成熟的技术;

    As a proven technology , it also attracts the attention of education . to introduce advance and proven technology from well known NSSS vendor ;

  16. 长期以来,线形教学在德国受到了来自教育界的种种批评。

    Linear teaching has received many critiques from German educational field .

  17. 德国教育界批判线形教学的十条论据

    Ten Arguments of Critique on Linear Teaching in German Educational Field

  18. 创新人才的培养是我国理论界和教育界关注的热点课题。

    Cultivation of innovative talents is a hot topic in China .

  19. 在语文教育界,作文教学一直是一个难点。

    The composition teaching has been a difficulty of Chinese education .

  20. 论教育界学风与教育评论问题

    On the Study Style of the Educational Circle and Educational Critique

  21. 研究型学习是当前教育界的一个热点论题。

    Research based study is a top hot topic in education currently .

  22. 大部分教育界人士认为以下几个方面对于成功是重要的。

    Most educators agree that the following areas are important for success .

  23. 学术界的这种接受也影响着中学语文教育界的接受。

    This acceptance of academia also affects the acceptance of secondary language education .

  24. 该电影引起公愤,特别是教育界的深恶。

    That film caused public revulsion , not least among the education circles .

  25. 研究性学习是近年来我国教育界研究的热点问题。

    Inquire-learning is a hot problem in education research field in recent years .

  26. 但教育界也应该反思传统文化教育缺失的问题。

    Hermeneutics thinks that current education is technical , neglecting traditional culture education .

  27. 该模型以流媒体技术为基础支撑载体,结合了现代教育界的建构主义教学理论,重点论述了流媒体技术及课件模型的构架。

    This model combined the theory of constructivism , and used streaming media .

  28. 教师专业化的不断发展使得国际教育界聚焦教师教育。

    Teacher specialized development makes the international education circle focus on teacher ' education .

  29. 如果这些方案得到真真正正地落实,那么教育界将发生根本性的变化。

    If these ideas were really taken seriously , they would change education radically .

  30. 他的活动限于教育界。

    He confined his activities in educational circles .