
  • 网络computationalism
  1. 人工智能研究的重点已从过去的面向问题求解的算法研究走向以知识为核心的MAS(multi-agentSystem)研究,即从传统的计算主义向基于知识和交互的新计算主义方向发展。

    Focus of research on artificial intelligence has changed from the past algorithm for problem solving to MAS ( multi-agent system ) study , a knowledge-centered method . This means that the methodology of artificial intelligence has changed from the traditional computing to the new computing .

  2. 因此,符号计算主义对意向实在论的论证是不成功的。

    Therefore , symbol computationalist argument for intentional realism is unsuccessful .

  3. 元胞自动机与现代科学中的计算主义第3类:永远处于一种混乱的、无序的状态,表现在外观上的随机。

    Class 3 : always in a chaos , unordered states and seen in many respects random .

  4. 在计算主义框架下,语义计算可以看成是计算机对自然语言语义的理解。

    It takes meaning computing as the understanding of natural language for computer in the computational ism way .

  5. 计算主义纲领关于生命现象或过程是可计算的主张,与关于生命现象的还原论是一脉相承的。

    Algorithmism asserts that phenomena and process of biosis are computable , and this assertion has gone on with Reductionism .

  6. 符号计算主义的意向实在论论证的要点,是表明具有语义性质的命题态度的因果效力。

    The intentional realist argument made by symbol computationalists is to show that propositional attitudes with semantic properties are causally efficacious .

  7. 这就给符号计算主义的意向实在论论证带来了问题:命题态度的语义性质如何能够对认知系统的行为具有因果相关性?

    This raises problems for the intentional realist argument : How is the semantic property of the propositional attitudes causally relevant to the behaviours of the cognitive system ?

  8. 然而,福多的结论给他的计算主义的意向实在论辩护带来了问题:如果思维不是计算,那么,福多关于常识心理学所持的意向实在论主张就成了空中楼阁。

    However , Fodor 's conclusion raises problems for his intentional realist argument : if thinking is not computation , Fodor 's intentional realism becomes a castle in the air .

  9. 尽管这样的研究方式仍然盛行,然而,在研究的过程中经典计算主义面临着理论上和操作上许多不可克服的困难。

    Although this approach is still prevalent , however , in the course of the study , it is faced with many difficulties of theory and operation , many are perhaps insurmountable difficulties .