
  • 网络Educational Administration;education administration
  1. 教育行政效能是教育行政学研究的一项重要问题。

    The efficiency of Educational Administration is an important issue for the research of educational administration .

  2. 他毕生献身于教育事业,学术活动涵盖教育史、比较教育、教育行政学等学科领域;

    He has devoted all his heart to education and taken a great part in the history of education , comparative education , and educational administration , etc.

  3. 略论中国行政学教育与行政学学科建设

    On the Education and Subject Construction of Administration Science in China

  4. 大学、教育行政部门和中小学在各自利益诉求的驱动下走到一起,并因共同的目标而实现了合作。

    University , administration and schools are drived by their own interests to come together , and they collaborate for the common goals .

  5. 它需要教师,教育行政官员以及教育学,心理学,教学法和相关学科的专家们的共同智慧和通力合作。

    It requires the collective wisdom and work of teachers , educational officials and specialists of pedagogy , psychology , methodology and other fields concerned .

  6. 本文主要以这些文章为中心探讨了教育经费独立、教育行政独立、学政关系、学术思想自由等方面的内容。

    In this paper , these articles explore the center of independent funding for education , educational and administrative independence , learning and political relations , the academic freedom of thought and other aspects .