
  • 网络Teacher position;teaching post;teachership
  1. 当前高校教师职务聘任制度存在的潜在风险问题及其对策

    Talking About The Four Problems In Technical Titles Appointment ; The Potential Risks in and Countermeasures to the Current Teaching Post Appointment System in Colleges

  2. 教师职务设助教、讲师、副教授、教授。

    Teachers'positions include assistant , lecturer , associate professor and professor .

  3. 初中教师职务培训的基本框架

    The Basic Frame of the Post Training for Middle School Teachers

  4. 完善教师职务评审工作促进师资队伍建设

    Perfecting the Evaluation of Teachers Duties and Promoting the Faculty Formation

  5. 高校教师职务评聘工作的思考

    On Evaluation and Engagement of Professional Titles in Colleges and Universities

  6. 高校教师职务聘任制:问题与对策

    The Teacher 's Post by Appointment : Problems and Measures

  7. 高校教师职务考核的模糊综合评价

    Fussy comprehensive evaluation of professional proficiency of the teachers in the universities

  8. 高等学校教师职务聘任制度研究

    A Research of the Appointment System of Professional Teachers in Colleges and Universities

  9. 高校教师职务岗位设置及其意义

    Set up teachers ' posts in universities and colleges

  10. 初中数学教师职务培训内容指要

    The Main idea of the Post Training for Junior High School Mathematical Teachers

  11. 高校教师职务评审工作探讨青年教师破格晋升高级职称评审方法研究

    Study of Appraisal Method of Young Teachers'Breaking Rules to Promote Higher Professional Post

  12. 论高校教师职务评审中的量化误区

    Errors in the Quantification of Teachers ' Technical Title Appraisal in Colleges and Universities

  13. 市场经济条件下完善高校教师职务聘任制之我见

    Perfecting Appointment of Teachers in Institutions of Higher Learning under the Condition of Market Economy

  14. 中小学教师职务培训组织管理模式的研究与实践

    A Research and Practice of the Organizing & Managing Model of School Teachers In-Service Training

  15. 我国大学教师职务聘任制改革中的几个问题

    Several Questions on the Reform of the Appointment to the Duty in China 's University Teachers

  16. 她担任教师职务。

    She functioned as a teacher .

  17. 义务教育阶段教师职务制度建设中的问题与对策研究

    Research on Problems and Strategies in Construction of Teacher Post System in Stage of Compulsory Education

  18. 高校教师职务评聘制度改革之我见

    Personal Opinion on the Reform of Reviewing System of Professional Titles of Teachers of Colleges and Universities

  19. 教师职务管理制度是高校人事制度改革的核心问题。

    Faculty employment system is the key issue of human affairs system reform in colleges and universities .

  20. 教师职务评聘分开是推行动态全员合同聘任制的重要环节;

    The condition for the dynamic full contract employment system is the fulfillment of the teacher credentials ;

  21. 高校教师职务聘任制现状分析

    Engagement System of College Teachers

  22. 我国高校教师职务评聘制度的建立和发展

    The establishment and development of the System in Post Employment for Teachers in China 's Colleges and Universities

  23. 本文论述了高校实行的教师职务聘任制度和岗位聘任制度两种制度的产生背景和意义。

    This paper discusses the background and the significance of the post - and - rank - appointment system in universities .

  24. 潘尼亚政府已经承诺,从今以后教师职务不再标价出售或家族继承。

    The government has promised that from now on teachers ' jobs will no longer be for sale , or inherited .

  25. 教师职务聘任制的实施有利于吸收优秀人才,稳定教师队伍,鼓励教师积极创新。

    It is good for the implementation of the enabling to absorb talents , stable teachers , encouraging teachers to take innovation .

  26. 第五章为结束语,对教师职务培训组织管理模式的发展进行展望。

    Chapter Five is a conclusion , which looks into the future of the organizing and managing model of teachers ' in-service training .

  27. 实施教师职务聘任制必须建立其良性和高效运转的新机制:目标机制、动力机制和制约机制。实施教师职务聘任制需要加强舆论宣传,转变思想观念;

    Fro the implementation of this system , there must be the new efficient mechanisms & target mechanism , motivation mechanism and restricting mechanism .

  28. 高校教师职务晋升综合考核标准与评价办法探讨

    A discussion about the criteria of integrated evaluation of teaching staffs for occupational promotions and the assessment method in the institutions of higher learning

  29. 高等学校教师职务的具体任职条件由国务院规定。

    Specific conditions for taking up positions for the positions of teachers of institutions of higher learning shall be prescribed by the State Council .

  30. 详实阐述了新形势下高校教师职务评聘制度改革的思路和具体措施。

    This paper expounds the reform direction of the reviewing system of professional titles of college teachers in the new situation and some concrete measures .