
  1. 关于提单质押问题的思考

    Research on Relevant Issues on Pledged Bill of Lading

  2. 在信用证业务中,提单质押担保不仅给贸易商带来了极大的方便,而且使金融资本获得了一个参与国际贸易的大好方式。

    In letter of credit business , the bill of lading hypothecation brings great convenience not only to merchants but also financial capital for participating in international trade .

  3. 在理论研究上,对提单质押涉及的很多方面法律问题也一直没有定论,从而使得理论与实践中对这些纠纷问题的认识产生了诸多分歧。

    In theory , the indeterminacy of legal issues on the bill of lading hypothecation also engenders a lot of differences between theory and practice for the understanding of these disputes .

  4. 但是,在实践操作中,提单质押涉及的环节和关系人众多,有关提单质押方面的立法也不足,导致了由提单质押引起的纠纷大量增加。

    However , in practical operation , since quite a number of links and parties are involved in the bill of lading hypothecation , also with the scarcity of the legislation in this field , more and more disputes arise from this type of hypothecation .

  5. 论提单的质押

    On Pledged Bill of Lading

  6. 浅论跟单信用证支付条件下海运提单的作用&质押与信托占有

    On the Functions of the Bills of Lading in the Bankers ' Documentary Credits & pledge and Possession of Trust

  7. 在国际贸易领域内,提单是占有权凭证和货物所有权的初步证据;在信用证结算领域,提单是权利质押的客体。

    In the realm of international trade , it is a document of right of possession and a prima facie evidence of ownership of the cargo , and the object of pledge in the realm of balance of Letter of Credit .