
bǔ shǔ
  • mousing;kill the rats;rat
捕鼠 [bǔ shǔ]
  • [kill the rats] 捕捉鼠类

捕鼠[bǔ shǔ]
  1. 这个拟声词让我想起捕鼠夹子突然合上时的声音。

    This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut .

  2. 这个捕鼠器是一件精巧的装置。

    This mousetrap is an ingenious device .

  3. 他在捕鼠器里装上奶酪作为诱饵。

    He baited the mousetrap with cheese .

  4. 它跑去警告大家:"屋里有捕鼠器!"

    It ran to warn everyone , " There is a mousetrap in the house ! "

  5. 一只老鼠惊奇地发现农夫和他的妻子家里有一个捕鼠器。

    A mouse was surprised to discover that the farmer and his wife had a mousetrap in the house .

  6. "对不起,老鼠先生,捕鼠器也和我无关!"猪说。

    " I am sorry , Mr.Mouse , but the mousetrap has nothing to do with me , either ! " the pig said .

  7. 这家主人急忙跑到东家,借猫捕鼠。

    The master of the house hastened to Dong 's home to borrow a cat to catch the rat .

  8. 一个赵国人为了捕鼠,特地弄回一只善于捕老鼠的猫。

    In order to get rid of mice , a person of the state of Zhao got himself a cat that was good at catching1 mice for that purpose .

  9. 这只猫擅长捕鼠,也喜欢吃鸡,结果赵国人家中的老鼠被捕光了,但鸡也所剩无几。

    That cat not only caught mice but also ate chicken . As a result , there was no mouse in that man 's house any more , but there were very few chicken left too .

  10. 每一条染色体上都包含巨量的信息。而DNA和周围细胞工厂的相互作用又极其复杂,包含了无数的移动部件和捕鼠器式的反馈循环。

    Each chromosome contains a staggering amount of information , and the interaction between DNA and the cell machinery around it is incredibly complicated , with countless moving parts and Mousetrap-style feedback loops .

  11. Sammy是一个捕鼠能手。

    Sammy is a good mouser .

  12. 他试图唤醒Larry去捕鼠,但这只猫仅仅是睁开眼瞄了一下,身体却纹丝不动。

    He attempted to wake Larry to spur him into action , but all the feline could manage was to open one eye and duly didn 't budge an inch .

  13. [方法]用夹夜法捕鼠,用间接免疫荧光技术(IFAT)检测汉坦病毒(HV)抗原,人间疫情来自各地网络直报。

    [ Methods ] To test HV antigen in rat 's lung by indirect fluorescent antibody test ( IFAT ), and analyze the epidemic situation from internet report system .

  14. 这是人们近期记忆中最快的政治过渡事件之一。住在唐宁街的一家人中,唯一没有卷入尴尬的成员就是猫咪拉里(LarrytheCat)了。他是一只拥有内阁办公室首席捕鼠官头衔的虎斑猫。

    The only member of the household on Downing Street to be spared the indignity of one of the fastest political transitions in recent memory will be Larry the Cat , a tabby who holds the title of chief mouser to the cabinet office .

  15. 如果每当某人有个更好的捕鼠器(mousetrap)您就必须重写整个应用程序,则没有人会问津。

    If you have to rewrite the whole application every time somebody comes up with a better mousetrap , no one will beat a path to your door .

  16. 采集到发热病人血清500份,捕鼠476只、刺猬、獾各一只。2.对发热病人血清IgG的检测:检测出莫氏立克次体IgG阳性174例,阳性率为34.8%;

    Results : 1 . We collect 500 blood serum of fever patients unknown origin altogether , mouse 476 , hedgehog 1 and badger 1.2 . Detect the blood serum of unknown origin : there are 174 Rickettsia typhi IgG antibodies positive , positive rate is 34.8 % ;

  17. 捕鼠人不再需要用嘴吹气进鼠穴。

    The catcher no longer needs to blow into the trap .

  18. 她发明了一种巧妙的小型捕鼠器。

    She 's invented a cunning little device for catching mice .

  19. “在捕鼠夹上,先生。”小男孩说。

    " In the rattrap , sir " replied the boy .

  20. 行了,行了,我把那些捕鼠器放哪儿了?

    Ok , ok , where did I put those mousetraps ?

  21. 请描述所有捕鼠、虫害的物理性工具。

    Describe the physical tools used for mice and pest control .

  22. 猫是一种善于捕鼠的动物。

    The cat is an animal expert al catching mice .

  23. 那只猫在地窖里徘徊着,伺机捕鼠。

    The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice .

  24. 老鼠很好奇,他撕开包裹,发现里面原来是一个捕鼠器。

    The mouse wondered-he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap .

  25. 农民放置了许多捕鼠器捕捉老鼠。

    The farmer sets traps to catch the rats .

  26. 之后财政大臣的虎斑猫弗莱娅就被授予了捕鼠总管的职务。

    The Chancellors tabby Freya was then given the role of Chief Mouser .

  27. 将松鼠从捕捉机中放出。我想出了捕鼠的方法。

    Free a squirrel from a trap I devised how to catch mice .

  28. 那么《哈姆菜特》也就取消了,给我们剩下的就只有《捕鼠器》了。

    Well , that strikes out hamlet , leaving us the moustrap only .

  29. 方法笼日法捕鼠、采集鼠体表寄生虫。

    Methods To catch rodents with cage and collect the ectoparasites of the rodent .

  30. 欧洲臭鼬的家养变种,用于捕鼠和兔子。

    Domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits .