
  • Fishing resources;【水产】fishable resources
  1. 第一,调整海洋捕捞资源,充分利用水产养殖资源,大力发展水产养殖业,稳定水产品加工业。

    Firstly , the adjustment of raw materials resources , make full use of aquaculture resources , to develop aquaculture .

  2. 在海洋中,随着全球气温上升,极地冰盖融化的速度如此之快,曾经无法开展的商业活动正在迅速变成现实,比如在北极附近捕捞渔业资源。

    Out on the sea , the polar ice cap has been melting so quickly as global temperatures rise that once improbable ideas for commercial activities , including fishing near the North Pole , are quickly becoming realistic .

  3. 近年来,由于环境恶化及过量捕捞,资源遭到严重破坏。一些物种数量减少的速度超出了种群自我恢复能力的范围,导致物种濒危甚至灭绝。

    In recent years , as a result of environmental degradation , fishery resources are severely damaged . Some species are in imminent danger and some even have disappeared because that some species decrease at a rate much faster than its recovery .

  4. 但因过度捕捞,其资源破坏严重。

    But because of overfishing , the resources are severely damaged .

  5. 二是过度捕捞造成渔业资源严重衰退。

    Over-fishing has caused serious decline of fishery resources .

  6. 不同理性两个体捕捞公共渔业资源的非线性分析

    Nonlinear Analysis of Common Fishery Resource Competed by Two Players with Heterogeneous Expectations

  7. 由此可见,现行的捕捞是对资源掠夺式的开发,必然导致渔业资源的衰退。

    Thus it is the robbing catch mode now , which must lead to the recession of the fishery resources .

  8. 我已经看到多年捕捞的所有资源都枯竭了。

    ' Well , I 've seen a depletion of the source of everything I 've been harvesting over the years .

  9. 现在争论的焦点是如何对渔业补贴进行规范,以达到限制捕捞、养护资源的环境目的。

    The focus of their debate is how to regulate fishery subsidies , in order to achieve the purpose of limiting the catch and conserving resources .

  10. 但由于过度捕捞,鳀鱼资源已经严重衰退。

    However , due to overfishing , anchovy resources have declined .

  11. 台湾海峡鲐鱼捕捞群体结构及资源开发利用状况

    The Fishing Population Structure and Resources Utilization Status of Pneumatophorus japonicus in Taiwan Strait

  12. 到目前为止,已形成了海上运输、水产捕捞、海洋矿产资源开发等许多产业部门。

    By now , China has developed so many industrial departments such as sea carriage , marine-lives-catching , oceanic mine resource .

  13. 它是把种群或资源群体作为一个研究分析的单位,研究一个资源群体的持续产量、最佳捕捞努力量和资源群体大小之间的平衡关系。

    It treat fish population or resource stock as a study unit , analyze the relationship between sustainable yield , optimum fishing effort and population size .

  14. 鱼类的过度捕捞也引起鱼类资源的衰退,江湖阻隔又使半洄游性鱼类逐渐消失,许多湖泊的鱼类资源在逐渐下降,鱼类多样性在不断降低。

    Overfishing has caused decline of fish resources , rivers and lakes barrier makes the semi-migratory fish disappear gradually , the fish resources and diversity in a large number of lakes are decreasing .

  15. 本文根据2003~2004年台湾海峡渔业资源调查资料,结合以往闽南、台湾浅滩渔场鲐鲹鱼类监测资料,研究分析了台湾海峡鲐鱼捕捞群体结构及资源开发利用状况。

    According to the fisheries resources investigation in Taiwan strait during 2003 to 2004 , combining with monitoring data of pelagic fish in Minnan-Taiwan bank fishing ground during 1990 to 2004 , this paper analyzed the fishing population structure and resources utilization status of Pneumatophorus japonicus in Taiwan strait .

  16. 捕捞权则宜解为自然资源使用权,将海域使用权作为用益物权之一种规定进民法典物权编中,捕捞权作为自然资源使用权,主要受渔业法调整。

    Real Right of the Civil Law ; Then the fishing right should be comprehended to the right of using the natural resources , adjusted primarily by the Fishery Law .