
bǔ jí qì
  • trap;drip catcher
捕集器[bǔ jí qì]
  1. 大众北美负责人迈克尔霍恩(MichaelHorn)去年对美国国会表示,美国43万辆受影响的装有稀燃氮氧化物捕集器(leanNoxtrap)系统——该系统不使用尿素——的车辆,将需要安装一个尿素罐,并进行软件修改。

    Michael Horn , head of VW North America , told Congress last year that the 430000 affected vehicles in the US fitted with a " lean Nox trap " system - which does not use urea - would require the fitting of a urea tank , as well as software modifications .

  2. 碳烟捕集器多孔陶瓷性能的实验与仿真计算

    Experimental and Simulative Research on Porous Ceramics Performance in Smoke Trap

  3. 基于Matlab的段塞流捕集器尺寸的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Slug Catcher Size Based on Matlab

  4. 新型柴油机颗粒捕集器-CRT~(TM)

    A New Type of Diesel Particulate Trap-CRT ~ ( TM )

  5. 微粒捕集器微元管内流场的CFD分析

    CFD Analyses for Diesel Particulate Trap of Micro-flow

  6. “黄帝”牌柴油颗粒捕集器采用重结晶碳化硅材料,拥有自主知识产权,产品性能达到欧V标准。

    Huangdi brand diesel particulate filter applies recrystallized silicon carbide with proprietary intellectual property rights and meets Euro V standard .

  7. 针对污水排放标准要求,选择合理的物理(油脂捕集器,气浮)分离、和生物(SBR)法降解相组合的污水处理工艺。

    The reasonable wastewater treatment process which was combined by physical separating such as oil-fat captured reactor and air-floating and biological process ( SBR ) degradation .

  8. 而作为PM净化最有效的微粒捕集器(DPF)却因其再生技术问题得不到广泛应用。

    But the DPF which is the most effective technique for the purification of PM is not widely used for its regeneration technology .

  9. 本文研究分为柴油机微粒捕集器(以下简称DPF)臭氧再生法离线再生和臭氧再生法连续再生两部分。

    This paper studied the diesel particulate filter ( DPF ) offline regeneration and continuous regeneration by ozone oxidation .

  10. 采用PLC控制器,引入模糊控制概念,实现袋式捕集器的自动控制,节省了能源,改善了生产环境,完成了系统的监测。

    The automatic control of pouched trapper was realized by using fuzzy control concept in PLC control system . So , the energy consumption can be decreased , manufacture environment improved and system monitoring completed .

  11. 建立了柴油机微粒捕集器压力损失的2D数学模型,结合过滤理论,对洁净的壁流式蜂窝陶瓷过滤体的过滤效率和压力损失进行了数值模拟和试验分析。

    In this paper , a 2D numerical model has been applied to simulate the collection efficiency and pressure drop of the clean honeycomb wall-flow ceramic monolith filter , combined with the filtration theory .

  12. 汽车尾气净化器载体和微粒捕集器过滤体(DPF)材料主要为堇青石和金属。

    The current vehicle exhaust purifiers carrier and diesel particulate filter ( DPF ) substrate materials are mainly made from cordierite and metal materials .

  13. 对分区微波再生微粒捕集器再生控制系统中关键核心的ECU硬件进行了研究和分析。

    As one of key components of DPF regeneration control system , the Electronic Control Unit ( ECU ) hardware was also studied and analyzed in present dissertation .

  14. 本文从实用角度提出了利用低温等离子体技术转化柴油机NOx及再生微粒捕集器的技术路线,探讨了低温等离子体转化NOx及再生微粒捕集器的可行性。

    In this text , the author presents a technology route using non-thermal plasma to convert NOx and regenerate diesel paniculate filter from a practical point of view and discusses its feasibility .

  15. 采用如低起燃温度催化剂、密耦催化剂、HC捕集器、二次空气注入和电加热催化剂等在内的排气后处理技术,可以有效地减少污染物尤其是HC的排放。

    It may effectively reduce the HC emissions to use a catalyst with low light-off temperature , close-coupled catalyst , HC traps , second air injection and electrically heated catalyst .

  16. 针对PVC生产装置单体回收时间长、回收系统泡沫夹带严重的现状,决定采用新型、高效的消泡剂来消除泡沫捕集器、间歇汽提器和连续汽提器中的泡沫。

    It was decided to use efficient new-type antifoamer in the process of P-PVC to eliminate foams produced in foam catcher , intermittent stripper and continuous stripper , which was directed against the current serious situation of long period for recovering monomer , foam carrying over in recovery system .

  17. 实验中用激活片直接测量了西安脉冲反应堆中子照相捕集器表面不同位置处的中子总通量,计算中用蒙特卡罗MCNP程序计算了各激活片上正反方向的中子通量比;

    The total neutron fluence at various places on the capture apparatus ' surface was measured by the activation method , and the fluence ratios of incident to reflected neutrons at these places were calculated by MCNP .

  18. 采用计算流体力学软件Star-Cd,利用当量连续方法,建立了微粒捕集器的数学模型,分析了反吹管结构对过滤体内反吹气流的流动均匀性和压力损失的影响,并进行了试验验证。

    Based on the commercial code STAR-CD , a mathematical model of airflow in a DPF was established by an equivalent continuum approach , and steady airflows inside DPF were simulated with different reverse blowing pipes collocation .

  19. 针对目前国内外学者提出的各种柴油机颗粒物捕集器再生方法的优缺点,结合国内柴油机技术及燃油质量,提出一种叫做DOC辅助DPF再生的再生方法。

    According to the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of diesel particulate filters regeneration methods proposed by the domestic and foreign scholars , combined with the domestic diesel engine technology and fuel quality , a regeneration method called DOC assisted DPF regeneration method is proposed .

  20. 建立了PH3-N2低温捕集器内部凝结换热的数学模型,并进行了数值计算,从理论上研究了其传热传质过程的机理。

    In this paper , a mathematical model of condensation in a cryogenic PH 3 trapper with the presence of a non-condensible gas N 2 is developed , the calculation of the model is carried out and the mechanism of heat and mass transfer is theoretically studied .

  21. hipps系统的应用既提高了生产装置的安全性,又降低了段塞流捕集器的设计压力,实现了降低投资的目标。

    The application of HIPPS system will not only improve security of production plants but also decrease design pressure of slug catcher , thus realizing the aim to cut investment .

  22. Ni-Al、Fe-Al等金属间化合物材料具有强度高,耐高温性好,导电、导热率高等优异性能,是理想的汽车尾气净化器载体和微粒捕集器过滤体材料。

    Ni-Al , Fe-Al intermetallic compounds possess high strength , high temperature resistance , good electrical conductivity and excellent thermal conductivity property ; porous material made from above intermetallic compounds will be an ideal vehicle exhaust purifier carrier and diesel particulate filter ( DPF ) substrate materials .

  23. 容器式液塞捕集器结构尺寸的优化设计

    Optimum Design of the Structure Size of the Vessel-Type Slug Catcher

  24. 低温捕集器内热虹吸过程研究

    The Study of the Thermosyphon Process inside a Cryogenic PH_3 Trapper

  25. 用动态模拟的方法对容器式捕集器的设计进行了优化。

    Dynamic simulation was used in optimizing the slug catcher structure .

  26. 柴油机微粒捕集器再生过程研究与数值模拟

    Study on Regeneration Process and Numerical Simulation of Diesel Particulate Filters

  27. 泥沙捕集器在长江口航槽区域放投放和观测

    Field deployment of sediment trap arrays in Changjiang Estuary navigation channel area

  28. 燃油催化微粒捕集器在柴油机排气后处理中的应用研究

    Application of fuel borne catalyst diesel particulate filter in diesel emission control

  29. 柴油机微粒捕集器红外再生性能试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Performance of Infrared Regeneration for Diesel Particulate Filter

  30. 颗粒物捕集器在港口疏浚监测中的应用

    Application of the particulate matter trap in dredged port monitoring