
  1. 明朝时期,在东北南部设辽东都指挥使司,进行直接管理,在北部设奴儿干都指挥使司,进行羁縻统治。

    In the Ming Dynasty , two headquarters were set up in the south and north of Northeast respectively to administrate it .

  2. 乐队指挥善于使表演者奏协调。

    The conductor is good at keeping the players together .

  3. 用图解分析的方法对地图进行分析,直接掌握各单位建筑物的消防设施及管理情况的动态信息,快速准确进行通信指挥,使消防信息系统更加高效。

    Then we analyse the map with the method of scheme analysis , knowing fire protection establishment and the case of management dynamic information directly , in order to fast accurately carry on the correspondence conductor and make FIS more efficiently .

  4. 5.bosssbaround:指挥别人,使别人团团转boss:指挥,控制您是这里穿的最有型的主管。

    eg. You are the best-dressed boss around .

  5. 爱乐乐团再次感性回应Askenazy的指挥,并使Askenazy再一次成为闪光点,以证明,爱乐乐团仍然是最优秀的英国乐团。

    The Philharmonia Orchestra respond once again with sensitivity and flare to Askenazy 's direction proving that they are still one of the finest British orchestras .

  6. 指挥的职责使他习惯于当机立断。

    The responsibility of command had habituated him to making quick decisions .

  7. 由计算机控制的军事指挥系统,使战术决策更科学,行军布阵更直观;

    Nowadays , a computer-controlled military command system makes tactic decisions scientific and the route of march intuitive .

  8. 美国执意移交利比亚行动的指挥权,使昔日围绕欧洲防御与北约关系的争论重新浮出水面。

    Us insistence on handing over command of the Libyan operation has disinterred old arguments about the relationship between European defence and NATO .

  9. 21世纪的交通将是智能化的交通,智能交通系统(ITS)能快速准确地进行交通信息的采集、处理、决策和指挥调度,使交通基础设施发挥最大的效能。

    The traffic in the 21st century will be intelligent transportation . Intelligent Traffic system ( ITS ) can rapidly and accurately collects and treats traffic information , makes decision and commands public transportation , making transportation infrastructure to maximize efficiency .

  10. 多多培养合唱与指挥人才,使我国的合唱与指挥教学水平与社会接轨,与时代共进。

    Finally , through the introduction of the development of the command teaching in college chorus , it will promote the developing of chorus and command talents , moreover , it will enable our chorus and command in teaching level and social community , together with the time into .

  11. 中国农民有很大的潜伏力,只要组织和指挥得当,能使日本军队一天忙碌二十四小时,使之疲于奔命。

    The Chinese peasants have very great latent power ; properly organized and directed , they can keep the Japanese army busy twenty-four hours a day and worry it to death .

  12. 防空作战指挥系统不但能使防空兵的作战效率、快速反应能力、指挥员决策的科学程度、防空武器效能得到成倍提高,而且也是增强整体防空能力的有效方法。

    Not only this system can improve Operational efficiency , rapid response capability of the Air Defense , but also the commanders ' strategy and the effectiveness of air defense weapons several times .