
zhǐ shì pái
  • sign;Signage;facia
  1. 这个指示牌一定要摘下来。

    The sign must be taken down .

  2. 只有一块指示牌在风中摇摆。

    There is only one sign swinging in the wind .

  3. 变化的建筑法规,不断发展的品味,加上保养这些美丽而老旧的指示牌所需的高昂成本,都让商家们更欢迎LED灯,虽然LED灯节省能源,但是成本依然很高。

    Changing building codes , evolving tastes , and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs , which are energy efficient , but still carry great cost .

  4. 仅制造一个指示牌就需要花费数小时的时间。

    It takes many hours to craft a single sign .

  5. 布朗斯在香港待了一周,拍摄了60余个指示牌。

    Blance spent a week in Hong Kong and photographed more than 60 signs .

  6. 现在看着这些指示牌,我感到惊讶而伤感。

    Looking at the signs now I get a feeling of amazement , mixed with sadness .

  7. 制作一个霓虹灯指示牌是一项艺术,是由受过在岗培训的专业人士完成的,他们把玻璃管塑造成装饰用的形状和字母。

    Building a neon sign is an art practiced by professionals trained on the job to mold glass tubes into decorative shapes and letters .

  8. 这些指示牌所做的无非就是识别餐馆、剧院或其他的商铺,但是这确实最可能引人注目的方式。

    The signs do nothing more than identify a restaurant , theater , or other business , but do so in the most striking way possible .

  9. 当夜幕降临时,红色、蓝色和其他颜色为这座被成千上万个霓虹灯指示牌点亮的城市蒙上了一层雾蒙蒙的微光。

    When night falls , red and blue and other colors cast a hazy glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs .

  10. “对我来说,霓虹灯代表往日的记忆,”摄影师莎伦布朗斯说。她的《香港霓虹灯》系列摄影纪念着这座城市著名的指示牌灯箱。

    To me , neon represents memories of the past , says photographer Sharon Blance , whose series Hong Kong Neon celebrates the city 's famous signs .

  11. 例如,公共汽车站的指示牌给乘客指示该乘哪辆公共汽车。

    For example , a sign at the bus stop gives passengers instructions on which bus to take .

  12. 在艺术博物馆里,摆着维纳斯雕像前的指示牌“请勿触摸”非常显眼,很容易看到。

    At the art museum the sign " Hand off " was displayed before the statue of Venus . It was very easy to notice .

  13. 只要他看到公共指示牌上有错,他就会记下来然后写信到政府部门进行投诉。

    Whenever he sees something wrong on a public sign , he would mark it down and write to the government to complain about it .

  14. 有个幼儿看看指示牌,又看看雕像,然后很淡漠地说:“谁都看到她是掉了一只手嘛!”

    A small child looked from the sign to the statue and said disinterestedly1 , " Anybody can see that her hand has fallen off . "

  15. B是的,一直按着指示牌向前开。

    B Yes , keep driving and just follow the signs .

  16. 办公室标识有很多具体项目,包括各类办公室科室牌、企业VI标识、员工座位标牌、公司门牌、指示牌、宣传海报等。

    Office identifies many specific projects , including various office licensing department , enterprise VI logo , staff seating signs , company numbers , signs , posters and so on .

  17. 在opeinde村庄,现在已经无法区分公路和人行道,道路标记和指示牌也拿掉了。

    In the village of opeinde the division between road and pavement is now indistinguishable and road markings and signs have been removed .

  18. 农场隐匿在一条泥泞的小路上,很容易被游客错过。不过,在那条主要的单车道小路上有一块质朴的手绘指示牌,写着“FincaElPinarRobaina”。

    Tucked away on a narrow dirt road , the farm is easy for tourists to miss but for a modest hand-painted sign " Finca El Pinar Robaina " posted off the main one-lane drag .

  19. 而拥有ESPN公司20%股份的赫斯特公司(HearstCorp.)和迪士尼共同拥有其他一些有线频道,包括艺术与娱乐频道(A&E)以及生活频道(Lifetime)都来参加了:室外的烧烤专区指示牌上写着“赫斯特公司专区”。

    There was , however , a subtle nod to Disney 's partner in ESPN , 20 % owner Hearst Corp. , which also is a partners with Disney on other cable channels including A & E and Lifetime : signage on a barbecue concession outside noted that it served only " grass-fed beef from Hearst Ranch . "

  20. 对极了,哦,你看到那儿有个指示牌吗?

    Absolutely . oh , do you see a sign there ?

  21. 您应该注意高速公路上的指示牌。

    You should pay attention to the signs on the highway .

  22. 有一小小的指示牌写明了

    with a bit of an instruction packet on the top .

  23. 他们跑进一座房子并挂上一个指示牌。

    They run into the house and put up a sign .

  24. 保罗在主要道路上为游客设置了指示牌。

    Paul has put signs on the main road for visitors .

  25. “通往美国衰落之路的指示牌”

    " A signpost on the road to American decline "

  26. 直走下那边的台阶,然后向着指示牌方向走。

    Go straight down those stairs and follow the signs .

  27. 有一个让汽车司机减速的指示牌。

    There was a sign telling motorists to slow down .

  28. 一块儿新的“指示牌”被安装在了立交桥的岔路口。

    A new diagram was added to a highway interchange .

  29. 碰撞后快速脱离的新型指示牌立柱设计探讨

    Discussion About Design of New Sign Posts for Quick Deviation Under Impact

  30. 你将看到休息室的指示牌。

    You 'll see the sign for the rest rooms .