
  1. 利用连续潮流法计算指定交易模式下的ATC,假设此时起作用约束保持不变,推导了此ATC值对系统某些运行参数的一阶灵敏度系数,这样可以求出这些参数变化对ATC结果的影响。

    Then a model for calculating the first order sensitivity of ATC with respect to the variation of the system parameters is presented .

  2. 这或许正是中化的打算,有一个迹象可以证明这一点:该公司迄今尚未指定交易顾问。

    One indication that this may be what Sinochem is planning is that it has not yet appointed an adviser .

  3. 工作人员开立证券账户的应当要求工作人员在本公司指定交易或托管或者申报证券账户并定期提供交易记录。

    If a staff opens a securities account , the staff shall be required to designate the trading or custodian account in the company or declare his securities account and regularly provide trading records .

  4. 本文将行政性垄断分为地区垄断、部门垄断、行政强制联合限制竞争与行政指定交易四种表现形式,并指出某些自然垄断行业呈现出行政性垄断的态势。

    The author thinks that there are four operation forms of administrative monopoly , including regional blockade , sector monopoly , compulsory associated restriction of competition , and points out that some natural monopolies present administrative-monopoly 's tend .

  5. 前款所涉自动行权的范围为未被冻结且已指定交易的权证,而不包括已冻结或未指定交易的权证。

    The scopes for the automatic exercises mentioned in the immediate preceding item refer to the warrants which are not frozen but are designated for trading , but not include theexcluding the warrants which are frozen or not designated for trading .

  6. 外汇交易市场是个场外交易市场,这意味着交易没有通常指定的中心交易点和清盘地点。

    Foreign exchange is an over the counter market , that means that there is no central exchange and clearing house where orders are matched .

  7. 数字证书/签名&同样也是基于密码或证书,作为指定方授权交易的证据。

    Digital Certificates / Signatures – Again these are either password based or certificate based and act as proof that a designated party commissioned the transaction .

  8. 它运作方式就像是在做一笔交易一样,但是你必须在你自己与对方的清单中切换指定你要交易的内容。

    It works the same way as it does during a live trade , but you will have to specify both sides of the trade yourself by toggling between the their and your tabs at the top of the trade binder .

  9. 中行被政府指定为处理外汇交易的主要金融机构,对国内零售市场关注较少,打造的分支行网络因而也较小。

    Appointed by the government as the main financial institution for handling foreign exchange transactions , Bank of China has paid less attention to the domestic retail market and so has built up a smaller branch network .

  10. 32.中国代表进一步指出,自1994年1月1日起,外汇指定银行成为外汇交易的主体。(六)具备外汇指定银行资格和经营人民币业务资格;

    32 . The representative of China further noted that since 1 January 1994 , designated forex banks had become major participants in forex transactions . ( 6 ) No material breach of foreign exchange regulations for the recent three years .