
  1. 另一个问题是,如果你有任何招募甄选的程序,那当你要求你的员工推荐人选时,他们不会真的推荐他们的好朋友。

    Another problem is that if you have any kind of selective hiring process at all , when you ask your employees to find referrals , they 're not going to even consider telling you about their real friends .

  2. 构建基于岗位与胜任特征相融合的人力资源管理体系、招募甄选体系、培训发展体系、绩效管理体系。以此作为s电力公司领导干部胜任特征模型具体运用的参考。

    Then build the integration of human resource management system , selection of the recruitment system , training and development systems , performance management system as the reference of the application of the cadres competency model in S Power Company .

  3. 将讨论到之主要围有人力资源规划、招募及甄选,人力资源发展,薪酬及福利,安全及健康,与内部员工关系。

    The main areas discussed are human resource planning , recruitment and selection , human resource development , compensation and benefits , safety and health , and internal employee relations .

  4. 根据人力资源管理的流程,社区志愿者的管理过程应当包括以下基本环节:规划,招募与甄选,定位与培训,激励,保持、认同和评估。

    According to human resources management processes , and community volunteers in the management process should include the following basic components : planning , recruitment and selection , orientation and training , and incentives to maintain , identify and evaluate the situation .

  5. 薪酬管理与职位设计、员工的招募与甄选、培训开发、绩效管理等其它人力资源管理职能紧密结合,共同构成了组织愿景以及公司总体战略目标得以实现的一个平台。

    Compensation management combined closely with position design , employee recruitment , selection , training , achievement management and that kind of human resource management functions , which form a platform to support the success of organization prospect and corporation general strategies .

  6. 只有通过有效的员工招募与甄选才能帮助企业获取充足数量和合适质量的人力资源,以形成人力资源核心竞争力,推动企业持续健康快速的发展。

    We can help companies obtain sufficient quantity and appropriate quality of human resources only through effective staff recruitment and selection , that will help companies form core competencies in human resources , and promote the healthy , rapid and continuity development of business .

  7. 包含招募成员、甄选成员、团体单元设计、结业四个环节。

    Including recruiting , selection , group members unit design , graduation four links .

  8. 招聘模块作为企业人力资源管理的重要子系统,通过招募、选择、甄选等一系列的科学规范活动以期能够系统地、持续地提高企业员工素质,增强企业生存活力,提高效益。

    Recruitment management as a human resources management subsystem . Through recruitment , selection of a series of activities to the scientific and standardized system , improving the quality of enterprises to achieve sustainable , enhance the vitality , enhance corporate efficiency .