
Research and Application for Improvement of Hire Quality in Interlong
The challenge with that is continuing to grow at a fast pace , and at the same time maintain focus on culture and quality of hiring , while at the same time building for speed .
Research on Management of Agent Recruitment Service Quality of SG Company
The Business Enterprise How to Improve the Quality of Recruit
Are you satisfied with your organization 's measurement of quality of hire ?
Taking time away from these crucial activities to go on Internet fishing expeditions diminishes the quality of the hiring process .
" Before enrolling students , SUSTC should recruit enough highly qualified faculty members , build enough systems and an excellent library ," he said .
And intermediary services as headhunting industry can be a good solution to enterprise recruiting senior personnel difficulties , enterprises can effectively improve the speed and quality through headhunting recruitment .
Recruitment work directly affects the quality and results of the quality of the input and the introduction of talents , talent turnover and the cost of human resource management .
For this reason , business enterprise should know the risk of the recruit , combining can how the reasonable analysis avoid recruiting risk , put forward how should business enterprise improves the quantity of recruit .