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  • 网络troweling
抹光 [mǒ guāng]
  • [squeegee] 用橡皮辊清除(例如从照相底片或相片表面拭去多余的水分或药液)

  1. 工人们现在打算开始最后的抹光作业。

    The workers tend to start the final finishing now .

  2. 大面积混凝土楼地面一次性抹光施工

    Once-troweling construction technology for big area concrete building floors

  3. 采用严格控制坍落度和二次振捣工艺,控制和减少沉陷量;采用机械抹光工艺,提高抹面速度及质量;

    By strictly controlling concrete slump and second vibration technique , settlement amount is reduced , and by mechanical troweling technique , troweling speed and quality are improved .

  4. 同时在此区域的上方也出现了光亮的区域,例如百叶窗、柱子上方、天花的一区都出现一抹抹的光采,这些光线增色了这建筑的内部。

    There is also up-lighting of vertical elements , such as the shutters and columns and a glow at the ceiling of the main dining space to enhance the existing architectural forms .

  5. 嘿,麦特,抹手纸又用光了。

    Hey , man , you 're out of paper towels again .