
mǒ dāo
  • spatula;slice
抹刀[mǒ dāo]
  1. 去年12月,该公司还尝试推出了一款名为homebox的限量礼盒,这款定价58美元的礼盒内含海盐、抹刀组合以及假日使用的餐巾纸等产品。

    In December the company also tested a limited edition home box for $ 58 containing products such as sea salt , a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays .

  2. 去年12月,该公司还尝试推出了一款名为“homebox”的限量礼盒,这款定价58美元的礼盒内含海盐、抹刀组合以及假日使用的餐巾纸等产品。

    In December the company also tested a limited edition " home box " for $ 58 containing products such as sea salt , a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays .

  3. 用抹刀松开硬顶车身的吸音器。

    Loosen the sound absorber of the hardtop body using a spatula .

  4. 用金属抹刀完全拆下后排水管上的支架。

    Undo the bracket on the rear water drainage with a metal spatula .

  5. 用小抹刀在饼的周围和顶部做出小山峰。

    Use a small spatula to forms little peaks around edge of Pavlova .

  6. 涂漆用颜料涂抹某物用来混合或涂抹油灰的抹刀。

    A spatula used to mix or apply putty .

  7. 撒开油漆或墨水的抹刀。

    A spatula for spreading paint or ink .

  8. 画家使用的混合、涂抹或刮掉油彩的抹刀。

    A spatula used by artists for mixing or applying or scraping off oil paints .

  9. 为此,用抹刀沿接缝密封件边缘垂直切割。

    To do this , carefully go along the edge vertically with respect to the joint seal with a spatula .

  10. 用抹刀把馅饼翻一面,继续煎,等到另一面变成褐色。

    Flip the strawberry yogurt pancake with a spatula , and cook the other side just until it 's browned .

  11. 初级飞羽末端由内向外逐步狭长延伸,而最外侧的3枚飞羽末端则特化成为抹刀状形式。

    The tips of the primaries gradually extend outward , and the three most outer primaries change into the spatulate form .

  12. 使用橡胶抹刀将果酱抹进准备好的听罐里,放置待凝固,大约需要6小时或者一夜时间。

    Use a rubber spatula to scoop the pur é e into the prepared tin and leave to set for at least 6 hours or overnight .

  13. 顺便提一下,晚上抹的化妆品还没算呢:用可爱的小抹刀涂抹黑泥面膜及起清凉作用的晚霜;

    That is not to mention , by the way , the evening 's jollities : the mud masks and the cooling night-creams , applied with darling little spatulas ;

  14. 注意不要压到面团(或烧伤自己),然后用涂了油的橡胶抹刀将它从碗的边缘欠下来,轻轻倒置到盆里。

    Taking care not to deflate the dough ( or burn yourself ), loosen it from the bowl sides with an oiled rubber spatula and gently invert it into the pot .

  15. 用橡皮抹刀小心地分离蛋卷和锅,然后用蛋卷右边包裹住左边,形成半月的形状。

    Using a rubber spatula , carefully loosen eggs from the edges of the skillet , and then fold the right half of the omelet over filling , forming a half-moon shape .

  16. 23岁的布莱特,在“埃塞克斯是唯一的生活方式”节目中讲道:“我不知道是否还有人记得我的第一次亮相,但当时我的脸上被化妆品堆叠成蛋糕一样的。看起来像是我用抹刀砌上去的。

    Bright , 23 , says of her time on TOWIE : " I don 't know whether anyone remembers my first ever appearance , but I was caked in make-up . It looked like I 'd applied it with a trowel . "