
  • 网络qi county;Qi Grafschaft;Qi Comt
  1. 主成分分析在杞县大蒜种植区土壤质量评价中的应用

    Application of Principal Component Analysis Method to Quality Evaluation of Soil Planted Garlic in Qixian

  2. 杞县正在大搞经济建设,修路、建厂房等这将拆迁大量的房屋。

    County Qi is constructing roads , factories etc , which will demolish a large number of buildings .

  3. 考察其小说创作,经历了两次重要的空间转移:中原杞县&繁华都市。

    Shi Tuo experienced two important spatial transfers , i.e. , from Qi county , Henan to the bustling cities , which had considerable influence on his writing .

  4. 本文在对郑州近年发现的洛达庙文化遗存与豫东杞县鹿台岗先商文化遗存的比较研究中,发现洛达庙类型的文化遗存同鹿台岗先商文化的关系密切。

    By comparing Luodamiao cultural ruins in Zhengzhou with pre-Shang cultural ruins at Lutaigang in Qixian , the article thinks the two cultural ruins have the close relation .

  5. 也就是说,杞县的农村房屋拆迁工作刚刚起步,在拆迁补偿过程中难免会出现这样那样的问题,其中会涉及到一些法律方面的问题。

    That is to say , rural house demolition work of County Qi is just starting . It is inevitable to encounter some problems , which will involve some legal issues .