
mǒ xiāng jīng
  • cachalot;pottwal;sperm whale;spermacet whale
抹香鲸[mǒ xiāng jīng]
  1. 2008年,一块巨型抹香鲸化石在秘鲁(Peruvian)沙漠中被发现。

    A fossil of a huge sperm whale was found in the Peruvian desert in 2008 .

  2. 抹香鲸的油脂中提取的白色蜡状物质。

    A white waxy substance from oil of the sperm whale .

  3. 经常能在抹香鲸的胃里发现鱿鱼的嘴

    Squid beaks are often found in the stomachs of sperm whales .

  4. 除了V,抹香鲸齿质对海产动物(干质量)的其他9种元素都没有富集作用。

    Except element V , the other nine elements in the sea organisms aren 't accumulated by dentinal GLGs .

  5. 抹香鲸在中国近海的分布

    Distribution of sperm whale in the coastal areas of China

  6. 巨型抹香鲸齿质层元素分析

    Analysis on elements in teeth dentin layers of sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus

  7. 北海抹香鲸的年龄鉴定

    Age Determination from Tooth of the Sperm Whale Collected in Qiongzhou Strait

  8. 抹香鲸和巨型章鱼可能是死敌。

    Sperm whales and giant squid may be mortal enemies .

  9. 在抹香鲸的下颚上大约有30颗牙齿。

    The sperm whale has about thirty teeth in its lower jaw .

  10. 抹香鲸鲸脂中的一种动物油。

    An animal oil found in the blubber of the sperm whale .

  11. 抹香鲸潜入水中时,身体会发生什么变化?

    What body changes occur when the sperm whale drives ?

  12. 北美洲两岸沿海温暖水域中的小型抹香鲸。

    Small sperm whale of warm waters of both coasts of North America .

  13. 抹香鲸容易识别,因为它们有着巨大的头,显著的前额。

    Sperm whales are easily recognized by their massive heads and prominent rounded foreheads .

  14. 要两个健康的抹香鲸作为礼物?

    a gift of two healthy sperm whales ?

  15. 特别是旧分类中包括在抹香鲸科。

    Beaked whales ; in some esp. former classifications included in the family Physeteridae .

  16. 虽然由于捕鲸导致了巨大鲸数的减少,抹香鲸的数目仍很巨大。

    Despite large population drops due to whaling , sperm whales are still fairly numerous .

  17. 抹香鲸广泛分布于各大海域,喜食乌贼。

    Sperm whales can be found anywhere in the ocean and prefer meals of squid .

  18. 当抹香鲸生病时,它会产生出一种脂肪物质,被称为龙涎香。

    When a sperm whale is sick , it many produce a fatty substance called ambergris .

  19. 抹香鲸是地球上所有已知生物中头脑最大的生物。

    Sperm whales are the owners of the largest brains of any creature known on Earth .

  20. 鲸鱼中抹香鲸最危险。

    The sperm whale is dangerous .

  21. 那就是生物塑化一头成年抹香鲸。它喜欢吃巨型乌贼这一点可是鼎鼎有名的了。

    To plastinate a mature sperm whale , known to have a taste for giant squid .

  22. 大西洋和太平洋中部海岸水域中非常小(8英尺)的抹香鲸。

    Very small ( to 8 feet ) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific .

  23. 巨大的抹香鲸是唯一嘴大得足以吞下一个人的鲸鱼。

    The giant sperm whale is the only whale whose mouth is large enough to hold a man .

  24. 葡萄牙&亚述尔群岛附近,阳光照射的大西洋水面正下方,抹香鲸以垂直的睡姿漂浮着。

    Portugal & Near the Azores , just below the sunlit Atlantic surface , sperm whales float in vertical repose .

  25. 抹香鲸分泌的蜡状物质,常浮在海面或被冲到岸上,用于香水中。

    Waxy substance secreted by the sperm whale and found floating at sea or washed ashore ; used in perfume .

  26. 雄抹香鲸则会独自或和别的雄抹香鲸一起迁徙到高纬度地区,然后返回到赤道繁殖。

    Males migrate to higher latitudes , alone or in groups , and head back towards the equator to breed .

  27. 这些发现是在对加利福尼亚湾的156只蓝鲸、长须鲸和抹香鲸进行研究后得出的。

    The findings come from a study of156 blue , fin and sperm whales swimming in the Gulf of California .

  28. 就人们所知,抹香鲸可以浅到3280英尺(1000米)的地方去觅食章鱼。

    Sperm whales are known to dive as deep as3,280 feet ( 1,000 meters ) in search of squid to eat .

  29. 龙涎香是抹香鲸所吞食的枪乌贼或其它动物的不能被消化部分周围积聚的分泌物。

    It is thought to form as a collection of feces around indigestible parts of squid and other prey of the whale .

  30. 长着牙齿的抹香鲸每天要吃数千磅的鱼和章鱼-大约是一吨(907千克)。

    These toothed whales eat thousands of pounds of fish and squid & about one ton ( 907 kg ) per day .