
  1. 她为什么总想跟她妹妹抬扛?

    Why does she constantly try to score off her sister ?

  2. 老人有一个怪脾气,喜欢抬扛。

    The old man had a strange habit to contradict everyone .

  3. 他是那个老和爸爸抬扛的绅士吗?

    Is he the gentleman who frequently contradicted papa ?

  4. 通常,当我们想起与工作相关的事故,我们想到的是体育人士、电影替身、汽车司机和抬扛重物的人。

    When we usually think of work related accidents , we think of sports people , movie stunt people , drivers and people who lift or carry heavy items .

  5. 巴萨德叫了两个人进了牢房;并让他们把那个失去知觉的人抬起来扛出去。

    Barsad called two men into the room , and told them to lift the unconscious man and carry him out .