
hù qiáng
  • parapet wall;apron;revetment
护墙[hù qiáng]
  1. 那间敞亮宜人的房间装有松木护墙板。

    The cheerful room was panelled in pine .

  2. 这条船开得太近了,撞在码头护墙上,发出刺耳的声音。

    The boat , coming in too close , jarred against the protective edging of the harbour wall .

  3. “这幢房子有块秘密的护墙板,”她别有心计地说,明知在胡编乱造,却希望自己是在说真话。

    " there was a secret panel in this house ," she said craftily , not telling the truth but wishing that she were .

  4. 结果调查131对对照与病例,经条件Logistic回归分析,家庭有护墙板和地面铺瓷砖是儿童哮喘的保护性因素;

    Results Pair of 131 controls and cases were investigated . In Logistic regression analyses , the wall of the family was decorated with wood , and the land was decorated with porcelain tile protective factor of asthma in children ;

  5. 她领路穿过一间墙上镶有护墙板的小厅。

    She led the way across a small panelled hall .

  6. 他小心翼翼地抬高身体,从护墙上方窥视着对面。

    Cautiously he raised himself and peered over the parapet .

  7. 风刮掉了护墙板,显露出壁骨材料。

    The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding .

  8. 斜面土钉支护墙的土压力计算探讨

    A Discussion on Calculation of Earth Pressure of Inclined Soil Nailing Retaining Wall

  9. 右边护墙的铁件作十字形。

    The iron supports of the well on the right form a cross .

  10. 深基坑围护墙与支撑体系相互作用有限元分析

    FEM Analysis of Interaction Between Retaining Wall and Bracing System of Deep Excavation

  11. 你能够标示翅膀归结于包括中凸形和机翼的中心线护墙板。

    You can specify wing attributes including camber and centerline sheeting of an airfoil .

  12. 与防撞扶手、防撞护墙板一起使用,美观协调。

    Using together with dash-proof hand-guards and dash-proof wall-protecting boards , beautiful and harmony .

  13. 每段护墙上都有士兵把守

    There 's a soldier on every parapet .

  14. 护墙板用螺丝钉到了墙上。

    The panel was screwed to the wall .

  15. 混凝土搅拌桩护墙设计与施工的研究

    Study on design and construction of protection wall of mixing pile in cement soil

  16. 而他对面的那位狙击手正微笑着从护墙边缘举起了左轮手枪。

    The sniper smiled and lifted his revolver above the edge of the parapet .

  17. 就在那一刹那,一颗子弹砸在了屋顶的护墙上。

    Almost immediately , a bullet flattened itself against the parapet of the roof .

  18. 他们也带来一个大烤箱,放置在该村的护墙外面。

    They brought a huge oven and set it up outside the village walls .

  19. 海鸥在她面前的护墙上摇摇摆摆地走着,船只从她身边驶过。

    Seagulls teeter on the parapet in front of her , boats go by .

  20. 墙上嵌着深色的护墙板,有几个鲜黄色的橱柜,地上铺着白色的油毡。

    with its dark paneled walls , bright yellow cabinets , and white linoleum floor .

  21. 房子内的大部分原来的18世纪护墙板在火灾中毁坏了。

    Much of the original18th-century wood panelling in the house was destroyed in the fire .

  22. 准备拆除护墙板前,专家再次要他确认是否下定了决心。

    To dismantle parapet walls panels , experts again to confirm whether he made a commitment .

  23. 维修站护墙和车库之间的规则同赛道上的一样严格。

    The regulations are just as strict between the pit wall and the garages as on the track itself .

  24. 烟灰色的墙壁,雪白的护墙板和窗框,强烈的对比让这个门厅看上去很是时尚。

    Smokey-grey painted walls and contrasting crisp white wainscoting and window moulding give modern edge to this traditional foyer space .

  25. 杰森普莱斯利的战车跑到第二圈弯道时,突然失控撞上赛道外部水泥护墙。

    Jason Priestley 's car lost control and slammed head-on into the outer concrete wall at the turn of the second round .

  26. 过去的代表参加了护墙板,目前墨西哥在入口处的水平,并在平台的未来。

    The past is represented on the plinth , present time Mexico at the entrance level , and future on the platform .

  27. 在沟渠的护墙上,黄色的迎春花鲜艳夺目。被成为第一朵玫瑰的他们,是最早开放、最勇敢的花儿。

    Primroses , glowing yellow from the walls of sheltered ditches , prima rosa , the first and most courageous of the flowers .

  28. 他一动不动地靠在护墙上,闭上眼睛,努力克服痛苦。

    He lay still against the parapet , and , closing his eyes , he made an effort of will to overcome the pain .

  29. 在科技设计的对立面,建筑设计中最新的成就是这幢用玉米穗做护墙板的屋子。

    At the other end of the spectrum of architectural innovation is this wildhouse design that uses whole ears of corn as its siding .

  30. 饰以护墙板给(房间或墙上)装护墙板防护钢板作混凝土支护模板施工技术

    To line or panel ( a room or wall ) with wainscoting . Construction Technology of Using Protective Steel Plate as Concrete Support Framework